11 Email Marketing Strategies for Financial Services and Banks

Mór Mester
Published in
9 min readMar 11, 2020

You can notice how the new fintech industry is rapidly bringing huge innovations to the table.

To keep up with the competition, financial services providers and banks are upgrading their communication and email game to remain relevant regardless of the fast-paced transformation.

You’ve probably seen how other industries are doing so well with email marketing. And you’re wondering, “ Can email marketing for financial companies be that successful too?

My answer is YES!

I’m sharing with you email strategies that financial services companies can use to upgrade their email marketing game:

  • To provide customers with personalized experiences.
  • To send relevant emails that retain customers.
  • To increase customers’ lifetime value.
  • And to relieve customers’ financial stress.

In this email marketing guide for financial services and banks you’ll learn:

Let’s get to it.

What is Email Marketing for Financial Services and Banks?

Email marketing for financial services is the process of setting up email strategies and delivering highly targeted and personalized emails to your clients.

Banking email marketing helps you personalize customer experiences based on customer preferences and data and interaction with the financial services provider.

Why set up an Email Marketing Strategy for Financial Services and Banks?

Most banks’ customers just open an account to receive their salaries and access banks’ basic financial services.

However, financial services have more to offer than basic services.

Financial services email marketing is the way to get your customers excited about the other services you provide.

Here are the top benefits of email marketing for banks and financial advisors:

  • Lowcost: Email marketing is the most cost-effective communication channel.
  • Customers check their emails: Emails are the preferred communication channel for financial clients.
  • Personalization: You can personalize the experience of your customers through banking email strategies.

Email marketing strategy for financial services and banks allows you to:

  • Automate your sales cycle
  • Onboard new customers
  • Educate users
  • And nurture your leads.

Your financial service company can’t afford to not invest in email marketing.

Here are five reasons why you need to set up an email marketing strategy for financial services and banks:

1. Manage customers data

Email marketing for financial services enables you to manage your customers’ data efficiently and transform the data to personalization.

Managing customers’ data in email marketing is essential because the data you have about them is the raw material for personalizing customers’ experience.

Email marketing tools like Automizy allow you to integrate with your CRM tool or other databases you have.

By the end, you can have your customers’ data synced into your banking email software and use it to send targeted emails.

2. Keep consistent communication

Many financial services companies acknowledge that consistent communication ensures business success and survival.

Consistent communication has positive outcomes for:

  • Increasing engagement,
  • Improving customer satisfaction
  • And enhancing your customer relationship.

However, although effective communication has many benefits, many financial service companies neglect it.

In many cases, their services are conducted flawlessly, while neglecting customer communication.

Your clients won’t learn about what you’re offering until you let them know.

Consistent communication for banking is important to keep your customers informed about your services.

You may not find it too clear at the moment, but a simple banking email strategy increases your customers’ lifetime value significantly and keeps your customers informed.

3. Help customers access their finance information

Another part of setting up an email strategy for financial services providers is to deliver important information to clients without asking them to visit the bank’s branch.

It would save your clients’ time and also help you:

  • Send updates
  • Deliver documents
  • Verify transactions and IDs, etc.

Email communication for banks makes the services accessible anywhere.

You can use confirmation emails to follow up interactions performed by clients on the bank’s website or mobile app.

4. Personalize customer experiences

Personalizing customers’ experiences is the winning marketing strategy for financial services providers.

In fact, 96% of marketers who spend time to personalize their customers’ experience reported an enhancement in their relationships with customers.

Email marketing allows financial services providers and advisors to personalize their customers’ experiences through content personalization.

5. Secure your customers’ activities

Data security is the number one concern for financial service companies. Banks can’t afford to put clients’ data at risk.

Passwords can be hacked or stolen. Use bank email marketing to provide two-factor authentication to keep the villains away from your customers’ data.

Banking emails are not enough to secure your customers’ accounts. Add an SMS or app verification process.

As a financial services provider, you want to protect your clients’ data from outsiders and insiders too.

Email marketing software like Automizy allows you to grant access to certain employees in your company.

It helps make sure your customers’ data is in the right hands.

11 Benefits of email marketing strategies for banks and financial services — Examples Included

By sending relevant, useful emails, some financial services providers and advisors made financial topics sound exciting and compelling to their customers.

To inspire you, I’ve put together 11 email examples created by companies in the financial service industry.

1. Onboarding your new customers

The perfect onboarding email for financial services providers is the one that makes a great first impression.

Discover your products ‘Aha moments’. You want to grab the attention of your new clients from the first emails.

Find obstacles your clients want to overcome or what would grab their attention the most in your services.

For an excellent user onboarding email, you’ll need a strong value proposition.

If you miss on your onboarding email, your clients will show a lower engagement rate with the upcoming emails.

This onboarding email from Paypal delivers the most valuable information and important features.

2. Welcome new customers

A welcome email is the first email your customers receive right after their first interaction with your business.

It helps you introduce your financial services to your customers and encourage them to engage with your business.

Your financial services welcome email is a medium to thank your new customers for choosing your business.

Remarkably, thank you emails help businesses gain customer engagement, which results in great customer loyalty.

Here is a banking email example that Regions Bank sends to welcome new customers.

3. Educate new clients

Financial concepts and tools are not something we learn in school, and for many, sometimes, it seems complicated to understand.

Financial services companies should educate their customers as they are providers of a service.

Use email marketing for financial services to position your company as a trusted financial advisor and educate your customers.

4. Send important notifications

Among the financial services email best practices, notification emails come first.

Notification emails generate a higher email open rate and engagement. Clients expect them since it follows a certain action your client performed.

Here is a financial email example Revolut used to notify a user that the requested document is ready to download.

5. Make services accessible everywhere

If there is one common thing that everyone agrees on is the hate of waiting in line at the bank.

Another way to use financial services email marketing is to help your customers access their bank statements or other documents without the need of visiting the bank or waiting in line.

Here is a banking email example that Paypal uses to send account statements to its customers.

Using email marketing for financial services can relieve your customers’ stress about going to the bank.

Set up banking automated email campaigns to deliver the right information to the right customer and make your services accessible from anywhere.

6. Retain customers

Customer retention emails are designed to help customers understand the value of a product, increase engagement, and reduce churn rate.

Like most marketers, you’re always looking out for ways to keep and upsell your existing customers and boost revenue.

In the following financial service email campaign, Wealthsimple shares value about their services. They position themselves as financial advisors.

7. Personalize emails

40% of banking customers go for financial providers that offer them more personalized service.

As for sending banking emails, I advise you to focus on creating a personalized email strategy.

Using all the data that’s available, and using it to personalize communications with each customer and prospect.

Personalization in banking emails can take you beyond personalizing email copy. You can use it to:

  • Recommend plans
  • Advise customers
  • Retain customers
  • Upsell customers

8. Send newsletters and update

Bulk email marketing is a part of any financial service email strategy, which implies sending mass emails to customers.

Bulk emails for financial services can contain:

  • Special promotional
  • Information to customers
  • New products release, etc.

Here is a banking email example sent by OTP Bank to inform its customers about the new instant money transfer feature.

9. Announce new features or products

The fintech industry is growing like never before. It made the financial services change rapidly to keep up with the new technologies.

All banks around the world are racing to launch new features to their customers and stay ahead of the competition.

Send announcement emails to introduce new features to your users and get them excited about it.

Aspiration created a product update announcement email campaign that uses bright colors, simple images, and effective copy to show everyone what they have to offer.

10. Ease communication with customers (emoji, GIF)

Financial services have the reputation of sounding like a serious uncle with a stale tone.

Almost no one enjoys the conversation about savings, budgeting, and retirement. As soon the conversation starts, everyone will zone-out and start daydreaming.

You can take the boring our of finance through your banking emails by making the conversation sound casual.

Use simple copy, add animated gifs, and emojis to your emails. It will increase the engagement of your email readers and learning about savings and budgeting will sound less boring.

11. Sharpen the security of customers’ transaction

It’s the responsibility of financial companies to sharpen the security of customers’ operations.

The next best way to secure your customers’ accounts is two-factor authentication or 2FA.

This a process that gives web services secondary access to clients’ accounts to verify a login attempt or confirm an action.

Typically, this involves a phone number and/or an email address.

Here is a financial service email example sent to customers to confirm a performed transaction.


Starting email marketing for a financial services company is simple.

You have to define what kind of relationship you want to have with your clients.

Is it a serious bank-to-customer monotonic customer relationship? Or is a more personalized understanding one?

Banking emails can change how your customers see the relationship with your company.

It can go from a dull, complicated finance thing into a healthy customer relationship. And eventually, increase your customers’ lifetime value.
With new financial email marketing providers like Automizy, you can take the boring our banking and finance and provide personalized experiences for your customers.

Originally published at https://automizy.com on March 11, 2020.



Mór Mester

Head of Marketing @automizy 🚀🤖 | #EasyEmailAutomation | Find out the #MarketingAutomation challenges of 130+ companies in this report: http://ed.gr/uyxl 😱