Boost Your Automotive Sales with Effective Radio Advertising!

David Web
Automotive Cars Updates Blogs
4 min readSep 22, 2017

The influencing power of radio is not unknown. Despite the evolution of high-speed internet and popularity of television in today’s culture, radio is still important and a great medium for spreading information.

Radio is an important medium to conduct successful advertising campaigns. We should move with what’s in vogue so if you’re still using the age old radio advertising techniques for your automotive advertising, it is high time you brought some changes.

Below are some radio advertising tips given by experts from successful automotive digital advertising agencies.

1. Know your audience

It is important to properly understand your target audience. It is also important to choose your radio stations carefully. Pay attention to the different audiences you are reaching through the different radio stations and tailor your approach to appeal to each one. Each radio station’s music will attract a different set of people with different tastes, ages, and desires and hence, advertising should be unique to each radio station.

2. Make sure that your ads match your branding

Your creative advertising should always match your branding message. What is the overall feel of your brand? Is it traditional or modern, light or serious? It is important that the theme of your creative work matches with your branding message. Such a consistency breeds dependability and fosters trust building between you and your audience.

Developing a style guide can greatly help you in making cohesive creative for every automotive radio advertisement. For example, using the same jingles, voice tone, taglines, and so on repetitively across radio stations will maintain consistency.

3. Create a strong Call to Action

A strong Call to Action that reinforces
your ad’s message is crucial. You may put in much effort and time in creating the best creative ad but if your Call to Action is inconsistent, your brand message will be lost in the void. To encourage your customers to take an action, your Call to Action must have;

  • A consistent message
  • A focused goal
  • Repetition

4. Integrate Radio Advertising with Additional Marketing

While advertising your automotive business via radio, you can multiply your success by integrating radio advertising with additional marketing sources like television and social media. 93% of online shoppers use social media in their daily lives, so if you depend solely on radio, you may miss out on this large pool of potential customers.

5. Timing is Key

The time you choose to air your advertisement is of utmost importance. Pick the right time of the day to air your advertising — whether it’s peak traffic hours, rush hours or midnight hours. Efficient automotive digital advertising agencies can help you select the best time slot.

6. Use a Popular Figure

Using a popular figure to deliver your brand message can have a powerful impact on your sales and increase brand awareness. A familiar, well liked personality aligning to your brand and whom your audience trusts can drive up sales.

7. Use Your Media Partner’s Expertise

Your media partners are experienced and skilled and they are there to help you. They will have a better understanding of the best creative practices and audience targeting and can give you some great radio advertising tips for your automotive business.

Automotive radio advertisements, if used properly and creatively can drive traffic and sales right to your dealership. However, it is a broad concept with varied and distinct elements. You may want to seek help from a trusted advertising agency to ensure that you put your effort and money in the best situation to achieve results.



David Web
Automotive Cars Updates Blogs

I’ve been an automobile blogger for brands like Honda, Nissan, CDJR, automotive marketing etc.