Are You Asking the Right Questions About Your Message?

Dealer Authority
Automotive Content Marketing


I’ve learned that coincidences don’t really happen. There’s always a reason. As I worked on my story today regarding content, I stopped to check Facebook and found exactly what I needed, courtesy of Jeff Glackin.

What you say in all of the media types — television, radio, print, social media, search marketing, billboards, etc. — has an opportunity to reach people. Often I’m asked questions about spends and ROI.

  • * Will $10,000 spent on social media give the same or better yield than $10,000 spent on television?
  • * Should I sink everything into online marketing or keep my offline marketing going strong?
  • * Should I minimize my internet spend to just a website and classified ads and move the rest of my budget offline again?

The answer to all of these questions is the same. It depends on your message. That’s it. The real question isn’t whether or not a social media spend is better than a radio spend. The real question surrounds the way that you’re putting your message out there. The words are often much more important than the medium.

This topic deserves much more research and examples than I can put together today, but it’s important to get in the right frame of mind before exploring this topic more fully. To do this, I’ll rely on a pretty good video on the topic. It’s not a superb video but it evokes emotion and gets the basic point across.

Originally published at on November 8, 2012.



Dealer Authority
Automotive Content Marketing

The internet marketing agency for ultra-competitive car dealers. When quality matters...