Nice Guys Finish Last, But Not Guest Bloggers.

Dealer Authority
Automotive Content Marketing


Assuming you have vast knowledge about blogging and you’re responsible for writing your company’s blog. Managing a blog is a great responsibility for any person. Not to over dramatize, but aside from social media, that blog is may be the most “human” voice your company has.

Here’s a scenario: someone in your professional network asks you to be a guest blogger. First of all, what is guest blogging? It’s a method done by writing posts that will be published on another blog to increase traffic. Right now, guest blogging is one of the best ways to establish yourself as an authority figure within your market. It builds relationships with experts within your field and bloggers outside of your industry.

Getting asked to guest blog is a wonderful privilege. When someone asks you, they are confident that your words and your voice will diversify their blog and expand its audience. Keep in mind that there are risks involved. It’s an invitation to speak to someone else’s network and audience. Whatever style your audience feels comfortable about your content, it may not translate well to an “alien” audience. Remember that your goal is to add value and think how it can benefit the readers. Always keep the information relevant to the agreed upon topic and write about what you know.

You can inquire to popular bloggers about guest posting on their blogs. It may seem invasive because it’s unsolicited. So, it’s like sending an inquiry for submission to a book publisher. You’re going to get either a “yes” or “no” and if you get rejected, don’t take it hard. It may not be the right time for you to contribute on one blog, but it may be the perfect time for another. Either way, if someone requests you for their blog, that’s a true complement.

What blows my mind is how so many people are against it…WHY? You get guaranteed exposure to new readers checking out the “new kid” in town aka YOU. It’s like being on stage at open-mic night, trying new material and creating a whole new crop of fans from thin air! How is that a bad thing? Let’s focus on the benefits of guest blogging:

  • it helps develop your authority
  • it builds your portfolio and credibility
  • it increases your online influence
  • it increases your brand awareness
  • you’re writing anyway, it won’t take a lot of time

Short story: if someone asks you to guest blog, DO IT.

Originally published at on July 2, 2015.



Dealer Authority
Automotive Content Marketing

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