Why We Chose Medium to Post All of Our #AutoMarketing Content

Dealer Authority
Automotive Content Marketing


Sometimes, the hardest part about making a choice isn’t picking the right thing but in not picking the wrong thing. On the internet, there are so many possible content management systems and hosting platforms that marketers can have a challenge finding the right venue for their material. For us, the right venue turned out to be Medium.

We will be moving all of our content here. That doesn’t mean it won’t be in other venues. However, if you’re like many dealers who do not like bouncing around between DrivingSales, DealerRefresh, ADM, and dealerELITE, you’ll be able to see everything we’ve put out there since the beginning of 2015 right here on this platform.

Some will wonder why we didn’t go with a Wordpress blog, Ning social network, or even a Tumblog. After all, Medium is a free platform and that means we don’t control the content. If they decide they don’t like what we post or even shut the doors on the company (I’ve experienced having content lost when two different platforms were discontinued), then all of this work will be lost. On a self-hosted Wordpress site, the chances of that ever happening are pretty much nil.

The advantage that made us roll the dice and use Medium is the diversity in voices. We have always been a company that focuses 100% on the automotive industry, but we also look at other industries to help hone our strategies and diversify our best practices. Some of the best techniques we have applied to the automotive industry were found initially working in other industries, particularly when it comes to SEO and social media marketing.

With Medium, we’ll have other voices outside of the industry giving feedback. That was enough to make this option superior to the others.

We have put together four Medium publications to house all of our content that doesn’t go on our website:

Automotive Industry

Automotive Social Media

Automotive SEO

Automotive Content Marketing

We encourage everyone to check out the publications or see a chronological feed of our content on the Dealer Authority page. There’s no need to bounce around to see what we write. It’s all going here now.



Dealer Authority
Automotive Content Marketing

The internet marketing agency for ultra-competitive car dealers. When quality matters...