What Shall You Choose: A Diesel Car or A Petrol Powered Car?

Lesson #19. By [Automovill.com] powered by DigiMusk.com

Stories Of Life
4 min readMay 5, 2018


Photo by Mahkeo on Unsplash

PREVIOUS -> Lesson #18. Are You Aware of The Master Cylinder Failure?


Hey Peeps,

Have you ever been in a fix between choosing a diesel-powered car or a petrol powered car? Well a lot of time, when customers visit our service centers, they do show such concern. While we were getting a lot of queries on this, we thought of adding this to the 19th lesson of the series.

Here we will walk you through the structure, the pros and the cons of having one of them. We will not force you to select one but we will definitely guide you through your selection process.

Afterall, we have to make you a smart rider!

By the way, how is your car doing? Send us some updates at social@automovill.com. We’d like to feature your cars on our Instagram.

Let us highlight the pros and cons of diesel and petrol engines. It’s always a tough decision to decide between the two while you listen to multiple things. Here we are just driving your attention to few of the facts that you must consider while deciding your conclusion.

Diesel vs Gasoline

Diesel engines are internal combustion engines. What does it mean? It means when the air goes inside the fuel is mixed inside the engine and the mixture is compressed internally. After a certain point, the fuel ignites, drives the piston down, and turn the crankshaft eventually turning the wheels.

The difference between the diesel and the petrol lies in how the fuel is ignited inside the engine.

In a diesel engine, there are no spark lungs. While in a petrol engine, the air and fuel are compressed, and at a critical point, a spark plug ignites the mixture.

Diesel vs Petrol Fuel Pricing

Diesel provides more energy per unit of weight as compared to the gasoline. But accounts lesser pricing than the gasoline. In other terms, you will need less diesel to ride the same miles with petrol engine car. That’s an advantage for you.

Diesel contains about 38.6 megajoules per litre while Gasoline contains about 34.6 megajoules per litre.

Pros of Diesel vs Petrol

  • Diesel gives you greater mileage. You will need lesser diesel as compared to petrol to cover the same miles.
  • Diesel fuel is more efficient as it converts the heat into the energy rather than sending the heat out the tailpipe.
  • Diesel never needs ignition tune-ups as it has no spark plugs or distributors.
  • Diesel engine provides more torque to the driveshaft as compared to a petrol engine. As a result, diesel engine runs faster than the petrol engine.

Pros of Petrol vs Diesel

  • Petrol engines are technically easily assembled as compared to the diesel engine. In case, if the fuel system breaks down, you will have to pay lesser to repair a petrol engine as compared to the diesel engine.
  • CO2 emission is lesser for petrol fuel when compared to the diesel fuel.
  • Petrol powered cars have lower taxes as compared to the diesel-powered cars.
  • Petrol powered cars can be easily retrofitted for alternative fuels (CNG, LPG).

You should well calculate your options and consider your priorities, whether you wish to save more, whether you wish to have more mileage. It also depends on how frequently do you commute and your driving usage.

We will not take the side on this but will recommend considering an environment-friendly option.

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Stay tuned for the next lesson in this series.

The more you know, the less you will spend. The more your care, the better your car!

PREVIOUS -> Lesson #18. Are You Aware of The Master Cylinder Failure?


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