Automunge Influence

On the importance of features

Nicholas Teague
7 min readJun 16, 2020


Wanted to quickly share some detail on a useful method that we’ve recently added to the Automunge library, intended for use to gauge influence of tail events toward a predictive model by making use of feature importance evaluation by shuffle permutation [1], such as for instance may help evaluate influence to a model from right and left tails of some particular numeric variable’s distribution. In the context of a risk assessment, this type of operation could help identify hedging candidates for instance.

The method makes use of the “tail bins” transformation available in the Automunge library as ‘tlbn’. This transform has some relation to the ‘bnep’ family of transforms which grain numerical sets to equal population bins and accept a parameter ‘bincount’ to specify a number of returned bins (which may either be one-hot encoded via the ‘bnep’ family transforms or alternatively ordinal encoded with the ‘bneo’ family transforms). Here is an example subset of these two variants of equal population bins output from application to a common demonstration set from Kaggle:

Demonstration of transformations applied to the Kaggle set “House Prices Advanced Regression Techniques

Here we’re mostly interested in the ‘bnep’ version in order to demonstrate the ‘tlbn’ derivation below. Equal population means that the demarcation for borders between what values will be aggregated into separate bins is determined such as to promote an approximately equal number of entries in each bin (fit to properties of the train set). The implementation makes use of pandas “qcut” in this derivation to derive those intervals, which first and last intervals then converted to open ended (-inf / +inf), and then pandas “cut” to transform the related intervals into associated bins. The resulting aggregated bins are then converted from ordinal to one-hot encoding for a multi-column returned set of bins.

Hat tip for this image to online calculators here and here.

The ‘tlbn’ transform differs from ‘bnep’ in that the returned bins following this derivation are then converted from boolean activations as to recover the original numeric entries corresponding to each bin. To demonstrate, if a set of entries [2, 1, 7, 4, 9, 10] had been converted to two ‘bnep’ bins with intervals (-inf, 5.5), (5.5, inf), and thus the two columns [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0] and [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1], the activations in those two columns could then be converted to recapture the corresponding numeric entries as [2, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0] and [0, 0, 7, 0, 9, 10]. The obvious issue with this transformation is the potential overlap between the returned values and the 0 designation for entries that did not fall into a bin. The solution is to scale the entries with a min/max transform such as to fall within a designated range, which we apply to the range 0 to 1, and then to use an arbitrary point outside of that range as a signal to training of infill, which we selected -1 for this purpose. Another complication is that since the first and last intervals are unconstrained for subsequent test data, some of the resulting values may fall outside of the 0 to 1 range. This is ok as long as there is no overlap with the infill signal of -1, so to ensure we scale data such that test data tail events outside of the training data range are transformed after min/max to fall >1, which in practice means that we reverse the order of values returned from the first bin (the one constrained by -inf) by way of a variation on min/max equation.

The purpose of this type of transformation is to convert a single column numerical set to a collection of numerical sets corresponding to different segments of the original set’s distribution while maintaining entry correspondence with the other rows of the associated tabular data set from which it originated. By segregating the different portions of a distribution into distinct columns, it becomes possible to conduct a feature importance evaluation which measures the relative importance of each of these distribution segments in relation to the others towards predictive accuracy of a target label set, which can be performed either in automunge(.) by activating the featureselection parameter or postmunge(.) with the featureeval parameter. The reports generated from these operations, such as those automunge(.) reports returned in postprocess_dict[‘FS_sorted’] or postmunge(.) reports returned in postreports_dict[‘FS_sorted’], demonstrate two derived metrics associated with a column’s feature importance. The first metric ‘metric’ describes the importance of source columns towards predictive accuracy by shuffling all columns derived from each target source column to derive the accuracy metric. For our ‘tlbn’ method we’re actually interested in the second derived metric ‘metric2’, which describes the relative importance of each column derived from a single source column towards predictive accuracy achieved by shuffling all but the target column derived from the same source column to derive the accuracy metric (where for the first metric a larger value implies greater source column importance, and for the second metric a smaller value implies greater relative importance between associated derived columns). We can view the derived columns sorted by the second metric by inspecting the associated FS_sorted report returned from automunge(.) as postprocess_dict[‘FS_sorted’]['metric2_column_key’][‘(source column header)’], with the order of returned ‘tlbn’ columns, as whose suffix numbering designation would indicate order of values from the distribution, could indicate whether tail portions of the distribution (first and last bins) have greater relative importance to predictive accuracy of our model.

Here we see that in this demonstration based on the Kaggle House Prices competition, in which the target label set is a collection of sale prices for home sales and the feature sets are the corresponding home properties, the target feature of our evaluation ‘LotArea’ does appear to have tail sensitivity. Specifically, we see that in our five bin returned set (0–4), the top bin (containing the largest LotAreas) appears to be the most influential to predictive accuracy of our home price model based on the smallest metric2 value, and the second most influential is the bottom bin (containing the smallest LotAreas), which also agrees with intuition for this application. We should note that while this type of evaluation does demonstrate importance of distribution segments from a target numeric feature set to predictive accuracy, one thing it doesn’t do is demonstrate the risk/reward paradigm of that influence (e.g. do increasing lot areas increase or decrease home sale prices). In addition to simple correlation, there is another useful method previously cited in this blog that we recommend as a useful heuristic to detect fragility [2]. However, correlation is not reliable in big data applications, and the stress test fragility heuristic may be blind to multimodal distributions. The methods demonstrated here could be considered an alternative to such heuristics which make use of the power of machine learning to navigate exotic distributions, within the context of simple application under automation by way of the Automunge platform.

Oh and one more thing. Please note that similar feature importance evaluation for impact to predictive accuracy can also be performed for categoric feature sets by simply applying a one-hot encoding transform (‘text’) and generating a feature importance report in which the sorted metric2 result will similarly demonstrate importance of different categoric entries toward predictive accuracy. Here’s an example from the same data set in which we assign the ‘CentralAir’ feature to one-hot encoding and perform feature importance which identifies that lacking central air is more influential to home sale price predictive accuracy than presence of central air.

Broader Impact

Feature importance is a common form of supporting explainable AI. The broader impact of this work is realized as extension of feature importance metrics from current thresholds of influence of aggregate feature sets to a more granular evaluation of segments within a feature set’s distribution. We thus believe the primary impact of this work will be net positive as to support more transparent explainability for tabular data applications.


[1] Terrence Parr, Kerem Turgutlu, Christopher Csiszar, and Jeremy Howard. Beware Default Random Forest Importances (link)

[2] Nassim N. Taleb, Elie Canetti, Tidiane Kinda, Elena Loukoianova, Christian Schmieder. A New Heuristic Measure of Fragility and Tail Risks: Application to Stress Testing (link)


* patent pending

Mozart’s Sonata XIII — Nicholas Teague

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Nicholas Teague

Writing for fun and because it helps me organize my thoughts. I also write software to prepare data for machine learning at Consistently unique.