3 min readOct 26, 2023


Imagine a DeFi landscape where a stablecoin protocol offers unheard-of yields of over 200%. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not just a dream; it’s our vision at play.

In the world of decentralized finance, where innovation knows no bounds, we’re here to introduce you to a paradigm shift — our decentralized Credit Default Swap (dCDS) module, a groundbreaking feature that can provide an extraordinary yield of 200%+.

Our protocol caters to two distinct groups of users:

  1. Capital Efficiency Enthusiasts: Those seeking maximum capital efficiency for their crypto assets without the volatile rollercoaster ride.
  2. Volatility Guardians: Users who are willing to bet against crypto’s volatility, specifically >20% fluctuations over a 3–6 month timeframe.

Now, let’s dive into the details:

For Volatility guardians: This group can participate in our dCDS product by depositing our stablecoin, AMINT. These stablecoins play a pivotal role in providing a solid 20% downside protection to borrowers who mint stablecoin supply by collateralizing their crypto assets. And what’s in it for taking this volatility risk? Well, here’s the exciting part:

  • Option Fees: All the borrowers contribute to option fees, and dCDS position holders enjoy a piece of the action, providing downside protection to not just one, but many borrowers.
  • Price Volatility Gains: As the price of collateral assets fluctuates, dCDS holders stand to gain. These gains are locked in until the strike prices, determined by the protocol for borrowers, are reached.
  • Liquidation Wins: If price volatility surpasses 20% or dips below it, dCDS users recoup the downside protection amount and receive confiscated collateral assets from borrowers in the event of liquidation.

What’s even cooler is that this can guarantee a minimum yield of 200% to dCDS holders for long-term dCDS holders, and the longer you stay in the game (over 6 months), the more you accrue.

We’ve also implemented protective mechanisms, so those who stick around for more than 3 months are likely to enjoy returns well above the average.

Introducing ABOND/Dirac:

But that’s not all! We’ve got an ace up our sleeves — yield-bearing assets with a bond-like charm. Borrowers decide their maturity periods, with a minimum of 1 month. These assets, known as ABOND or Dirac, offer borrowers the opportunity to earn yields on their crypto assets while simultaneously minting stablecoin AMINT.

In our upcoming version, we plan to extend the privilege of these ABOND/Dirac assets to dCDS holders. The face value will be determined according to market volatility, opening new doors for even greater potential rewards.

What lies before you is more than just another DeFi project; it embodies a vision rooted in the relentless innovation that defined the DeFi landscape prior to 2021, before the bear market set in. We are here to bring innovative products in the space which will also be customized to other protocols as per their required volatility and risk-taking tendency.

