Advanced Attention Mechanisms for Long Sequence Transformers

Freedom Preetham
Autonomous Agents
Published in
6 min readMay 29, 2024

In processing long sequences, Transformers face challenges such as attention dilution and increased noise. As the sequence length grows, each token must compete with more tokens for attention, leading to diluted attention scores. This dilution can result in less focused and relevant contextual representations, particularly impacting tokens that are distant from each other.

Additionally, longer sequences are more likely to contain irrelevant or less pertinent information, introducing noise that can further distract the attention mechanism from concentrating on the essential parts of the input. This introduction sets the stage for exploring advanced attention mechanisms designed to address these challenges effectively.

The focus of this blog is to delve deeply into the mathematical intricacies and theoretical foundations of advanced attention mechanisms designed to efficiently manage the computational and cognitive challenges posed by long sequences in Transformer models.

Effect of Sequence Length on Attention

To understand how longer sequences can dilute attention scores and add noise, we need to delve into the mathematics of the attention mechanism used in models like Transformers. Here’s a breakdown that illustrates these concepts mathematically:

Basic Attention Mechanism: The attention mechanism in a Transformer is based on the scaled dot-product attention, which is defined as:


  • Q (Query), K (Key), and V (Value) are matrices derived from the input embeddings.
  • dk​ is the dimensionality of the key vectors, used to scale the dot products to prevent large values that could destabilize the softmax function.

Effect of Sequence Length on Attention

Dilution of Attention Scores Consider a simple example where Q and K are identical (self-attention), and every element is equally relevant:

As n (sequence length) increases, the sum of each row in the matrix QK^T (before applying the softmax) increases due to more terms being added, assuming non-zero vectors and general relevance among them. This can lead to a scenario where the impact of any single k_j on a given q_i​ is diminished because it’s averaged over a greater number of terms:

With larger n, the denominator grows larger, spreading the attention more thinly across more tokens. This “dilution” reduces the ability of the model to focus sharply on the most relevant tokens.

Increase in Noise: Longer sequences often include segments that are less relevant to the current context being processed. These less relevant or “noisy” segments still contribute to the dot products in the attention mechanism:

As n increases, the probability that q_i​ aligns with several k_j​ that represent noise (or less relevant information) also increases. This noise affects the softmax function’s ability to effectively prioritize the most relevant keys, thus reducing the overall quality of the attention-driven contextual understanding.

1. Sparse Attention with Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH)

Conceptual Framework: Sparse attention reduces computational demands by limiting the number of interactions between tokens. Locality-Sensitive Hashing groups tokens into buckets where only intra-bucket interactions are computed, thereby sparsifying the attention matrix.

Mathematical Formulation: Each token is projected into a lower-dimensional space defined by a hash function:


  • q represents the query vector.
  • r is a random projection vector.
  • w is the width of the hash bucket.

Sparse Attention Computation: Attention is computed only within buckets:

This mechanism selectively focuses the model’s computational resources, reducing the overall complexity from O(n²) to O(n log n).

2. Low-Rank Attention

Theoretical Insight: Low-rank factorization posits that the interaction space can be effectively captured by a smaller subspace, reducing the need for full n×n attention computation.

Factorization Technique:

Where U and V are matrices of lower rank k, substantially reducing the complexity and enhancing the manageability of attention across longer sequences.

Reduced Complexity Implementation:

This approach drastically cuts down the computational load to O(nk from O(n²).

3. Segmented Attention

Implementation Strategy: Dividing the input sequence into manageable segments allows localized computation of attention, which can significantly reduce noise and improve focus.

Mathematical Expression:

Each segment processes attention independently, enhancing local context processing without the interference of distant irrelevant tokens.

4. Hierarchical Attention

Structural Design: Hierarchical models integrate insights across multiple scales using a layered attention mechanism, allowing each layer to focus on different aspects of the input.

Layered Computation:

Where G(⋅) represents a function aggregating outputs across segments or layers, potentially incorporating additional transformations to refine the attention process across layers.

5. Memory and Recurrence

Extended Memory Framework: Incorporating memory in Transformers allows them to ‘remember’ past computations, enhancing their capability to maintain context over longer sequences.

Recurrence Relation:

This recurrence integrates historical information, providing a continuous thread of context, crucial for understanding sequences extending beyond current processing windows.

6. Attention with Routing

Dynamic Routing Mechanism: Routing mechanisms dynamically allocate different model resources based on the content, optimizing attention distribution based on token characteristics.

Routing-Based Attention:

Where W_r​ is a routing matrix that determines the probability distribution over different attention pathways, allowing the model to adapt its attention focus dynamically based on the input’s nature.

7. Relative Positional Encoding

Innovative Encoding Approach: Relative positional encoding uses the differences between positions to compute attention, rather than absolute positional information.

Encoding Application:

Here, S_rel​ represents the relative positional biases, allowing the model to adapt its attention based on the relative distances and arrangements of tokens, enhancing its ability to deal with varying sequence lengths and structures.

Mathematical Insight

Each of these advanced mechanisms brings a unique perspective to handling the complexities associated with long sequence processing. By combining these approaches, modern Transformer architectures not only achieve computational efficiency but also improve their ability to understand and generate contextually rich and coherent outputs over extended sequences. This detailed exploration provides foundational knowledge that is crucial for developing more efficient and effective models in the field of natural language processing and beyond.

