Fractional Elliptic Problems and Artificial General Intelligence — Part 1

Freedom Preetham
Autonomous Agents
Published in
10 min readSep 2, 2023

An in-depth exploration of the mathematical nuances of the fractional elliptic problem and its potential resonance with AGI.

The fractional elliptic problem, especially when coupled with Dirichlet boundary conditions, is a cornerstone in the realm of partial differential equations PDE. Its intricate nature and the challenges it presents reveals a treasure trove of insights that could potentially shape the future of AGI. In this blog, I have tried to tease out the specifics that are potentially relevant to Artificial General Intelligence.

Non-local influence for AGI series

Part 1 — Fractional Elliptic Problems and Artificial General Intelligence

Part 2 — Fractional Laplacian and Cognitive Modeling

Part 3 — Randomized Algo and Spectral Decomposition for High-Dimensional Fractional Laplacians

Part 4 — Non Local Interactions in AGI through Weighted Choquard Equation

Part 5 — Integrating the Weighted Choquard with Fourier Neural Operators

Fractional Elliptic Problem

Traditional differential equations involve derivatives of whole numbers, like the first or second derivative. However, the fractional elliptic problem involves fractional derivatives, which are generalizations of ordinary derivatives to non-integer (or fractional) orders.

This means that instead of considering the rate of change at a specific point, fractional derivatives consider the rate of change over a more extended period, introducing a memory effect. This memory effect makes the problem inherently more challenging because the current state of the system depends on a weighted sum of all its past states, not just the immediate past.

Physical Interpretation: Fractional differential equations often arise in scenarios where anomalous diffusion or non-local interactions are present. Examples include fluid flow through porous media, viscoelastic materials, and certain types of wave propagation. The fractional nature captures the intermediate behavior between pure diffusion and wave propagation, adding to the problem’s complexity.

Dirichlet Boundary Conditions

Dirichlet boundary conditions specify the values that a solution must take on the boundary of the domain. In other words, the solution’s values are fixed at the boundary.

Ensuring that the computed solution adheres to these boundary conditions, especially in higher dimensions, can be challenging. This is because the solution must satisfy both the differential equation and the boundary conditions simultaneously. Any discrepancy at the boundary can lead to significant errors in the solution within the domain.

Multi-dimensional Spaces (Rd with d≥2)

As the dimensionality of the problem increases, the computational complexity grows exponentially. This phenomenon, known as the “curse of dimensionality,” means that the number of grid points or nodes required for numerical solutions grows exponentially with each added dimension. This makes computations extremely resource-intensive and time-consuming.

In multi-dimensional spaces, the boundary itself becomes more complex. For instance, in two dimensions, the boundary is a curve, but in three dimensions, it’s a surface. Ensuring Dirichlet conditions are met on these higher-dimensional boundaries is more challenging.

In multi-dimensional problems, interactions between dimensions can lead to complex behaviors in the solution. This means that a change in one dimension can affect the solution in another dimension, making the problem more intricate and challenging to solve.

The Memory Effect and Fractional Derivatives

Fractional calculus, which encompasses fractional derivatives, extends the traditional calculus to non-integer orders. This extension introduces a unique memory effect, capturing the influence of all past states on the current state.

Mathematically, the fractional Laplacian operator is given by:

where xRd, α is the order of the fractional derivative, and cd,α​ is a normalization constant dependent on the space dimension d and α. B(0,ϵ) is a ball of radius ϵ centered at the origin.

The term:

in the integral captures the essence of the fractional derivative. It represents the difference between the function values at two points, weighted by the inverse of their distance raised to the power d+α. This weighting ensures that points farther away have a diminishing influence, encapsulating the memory effect.

The normalization constant cd,α​ ensures that the fractional Laplacian is consistent with the traditional Laplacian as α approaches 2.

Fractional Power Series Representation: The fractional derivative can also be represented using a power series expansion:

where n is the smallest integer greater than α and Γ is the gamma function.

Convolution Representation: The memory effect of the fractional derivative can be captured using a convolution with a power-law kernel:

where ∗ denotes convolution.

AGI Implication:

The mathematical constructs underlying the memory effect in fractional derivatives offer profound insights for AGI development:

State Influence: Just as the fractional derivative considers the influence of all past states, AGI systems can be designed to consider historical data and past interactions when making decisions. In an AGI context, this can be analogous to:

Where St​ is the current state at time t, M(s) is the memory effect function, and I(s) is the input or interaction at time s.

Power Series Representation: The power series representation of the fractional derivative suggests that AGI systems can be designed to consider multiple levels of abstraction or granularity when reasoning. In AGI, this suggests a hierarchical or multi-level representation of data:

Where R(x) is the representation of data x, ai​ are coefficients, and Fi​(x) are basis functions at different levels of abstraction or granularity.

Convolutional Memory: The convolution representation hints at the possibility of AGI systems that process data using convolutional structures, akin to convolutional neural networks, but with memory effects.

Where Mt​ is the memory at time t, It​ is the input at time t, and W is a weight function (akin to a convolutional kernel) that determines the influence of past inputs on the current memory.

Navigating Multi-dimensional Spaces

In the realm of partial differential equations, the dimensionality of the space plays a pivotal role in determining the complexity and behavior of solutions. The fractional elliptic problem is no exception. As we venture into higher-dimensional spaces, the problem’s intricacies and challenges amplify.

Complexity Scaling Factor: Mathematically, the space’s dimensionality is represented by Rd, where d denotes the number of dimensions. The term Rd encapsulates the entire d-dimensional Euclidean space, providing the backdrop against which the problem is defined.

The complexity scaling factor associated with the problem in multi-dimensional spaces is given by:

Here, Γ is the gamma function, a generalization of the factorial function to non-integer values. The term α represents the order of the fractional derivative, and its interplay with d in the equation above captures the nuanced relationship between dimensionality and the problem’s complexity.

Spectral Decomposition in Multi-dimensional Spaces: The eigenfunctions ϕk​ and eigenvalues λk​ of the Laplacian in Rd can be used to represent the fractional Laplacian as:

where ⟨⋅,⋅⟩ denotes the inner product in L2(Rd).

Fractional Sobolev Spaces: In multi-dimensional spaces, the fractional Sobolev space Ws,p(Rd) becomes relevant. It consists of functions u such that:

AGI Implication:

The mathematical intricacies of navigating multi-dimensional spaces offer profound insights for AGI development:

Representation Learning: The spectral decomposition suggests that AGI systems can learn to represent intricate data patterns or relationships in multi-dimensional spaces.

Complexity Management: The complexity scaling factor provides a measure of how challenging a problem becomes as dimensionality increases, guiding AGI in allocating computational resources. For AGI, this concept can be analogous to managing computational resources as problem dimensionality increases:

Function Spaces and Regularity: The introduction of fractional Sobolev spaces hints at the possibility of AGI systems that can operate in function spaces, understanding the regularity and smoothness of data.

Constraints and Dirichlet Boundary Conditions

Dirichlet boundary conditions, named after the German mathematician Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, are a fundamental concept in the study of partial differential equations. They specify the values a solution must take on the boundary of the domain.

Given a domain D with boundary ∂D, the Dirichlet boundary condition for the fractional elliptic problem can be expressed as:

Here, g(x) is a given function that provides the values on the boundary.

The problem can also be formulated in a variational setting. Let V be a suitable function space. The weak formulation of the problem with Dirichlet boundary conditions can be stated as: Find uV such that

where a(⋅,⋅) is a bilinear form and f is a linear functional, both defined appropriately considering the boundary conditions.

Eigenvalue Problems with Dirichlet Conditions: The Dirichlet boundary conditions also play a pivotal role in eigenvalue problems. For the Laplacian operator, the problem can be stated as:

Where λ are the eigenvalues and the associated functions u are the eigenfunctions.

AGI Implication:

The mathematical rigor and structure provided by Dirichlet boundary conditions can be seen as a metaphor for constraints in AGI systems:

Ethical Constraints: Just as the solution must adhere to specific values on the boundary, AGI systems must operate within ethical boundaries, ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability.

Logical Constraints: The variational formulation ensures that the solution satisfies certain integral conditions. Similarly, AGI systems must satisfy logical consistency in their reasoning processes.

Data-driven Constraints: The eigenvalue problems provide a decomposition of the solution space. In AGI, this could translate to understanding the principal modes or patterns in data, ensuring that the system’s decisions are data-driven and robust.

Advanced Computational Techniques

The fractional elliptic problem, due to its non-local nature and inherent complexity, poses significant challenges for traditional numerical methods. As a result, leveraging advanced computational techniques, including deep learning, becomes imperative.

Deep Neural Network Approximation: Given the complexity of the fractional elliptic problem, deep neural networks (DNNs) offer a promising avenue for approximating solutions. A typical DNN architecture for this purpose might involve multiple layers with activation functions, weights, and biases, mathematically represented as:

Where θ={W1​,b1​,W2​,b2​} are the network parameters, and σ is a non-linear activation function.

Loss Function and Optimization: The objective is to minimize the discrepancy between the true solution u and the DNN approximation Φ. This is captured by the loss function:

To optimize the network parameters θ, gradient-based methods like stochastic gradient descent (SGD) or its variants can be employed:

Where η is the learning rate and t is the iteration number.

Regularization and Generalization: To ensure the DNN doesn’t overfit to specific data points, regularization techniques can be incorporated:

Where λ is the regularization parameter and ∥⋅∥2denotes the L2 norm.

AGI Implication:

The mathematical rigor and structure provided by advanced computational techniques in solving the fractional elliptic problem offer a plethora of insights for AGI development:

Representation Learning: Just as DNNs learn to approximate complex mathematical solutions, AGI systems can learn to represent intricate data patterns or relationships.

Optimization and Learning: The gradient-based optimization techniques used in training DNNs can inspire AGI algorithms that adapt and learn from data efficiently.

Regularization and Robustness: Regularization techniques ensure that DNNs generalize well. Similarly, AGI systems must be robust and generalize across diverse scenarios, ensuring reliable and consistent decision-making.


Throughout our exploration, we’ve seen how the fractional elliptic problem, particularly with Dirichlet boundary conditions, represents a challenging mathematical endeavor, especially when defined in multi-dimensional spaces. The non-local nature of the problem introduces unique memory effects, captured by fractional derivatives, which have profound implications for understanding long-term dependencies.

The use of advanced computational techniques, such as deep neural networks, to approximate solutions to this problem emphasizes the intersection of classical mathematical problems with modern computational methods. This synergy between traditional mathematics and cutting-edge computational techniques is emblematic of the broader trend in scientific research, where interdisciplinary approaches often yield the most fruitful results.

From an AGI perspective, the mathematical constructs and techniques used in addressing the fractional elliptic problem offer tantalizing hints about potential strategies for developing more advanced and nuanced AI systems. The memory effects, the challenges of navigating multi-dimensional spaces, and the rigorous constraints imposed by boundary conditions all have parallels in the world of AGI development.


Freedom Preetham is an AI Researcher with background in math and quantum physics and working on genomics in particular. You are free to use and expand on this research idea as applicable to other domains. Attribution to Freedom Preetham is welcome if you find it useful.

