Graph Dynamical Systems and Odd Analytic Coupling: Implications for Stability and Attention Mechanisms in Transformers

Freedom Preetham
Autonomous Agents
Published in
10 min readAug 21, 2023

I want to introduce you to a realm of research I’m working on: the conception of an “energy-centric” attention model tailored for the behemoths of the Large Language Models (LLMs) with an astounding trillion parameters. This requires careful consideration of computational efficiency, memory usage, and model performance. Leveraging the insights from a math paper which I have explained in “Graph Gradient Diffusion”, we can think of a novel approach to design attention mechanisms in transformers.

Odd Analytic Functions?

Odd analytic functions are a class of mathematical functions that exhibit two distinct properties. Firstly, they are “odd,” meaning they satisfy the condition f(−x)=−f(x) for every x in their domain, resulting in a symmetry about the origin in their graphical representation. Secondly, they are “analytic,” implying that they can be locally represented by a convergent power series and are smooth with derivatives of all orders at each point in their domain. Examples include functions like sin(x), which both exhibit symmetry about the origin and can be expressed as a power series.

“Odd analytic functions” in the context of the paper “Graph Gradient Diffusion” enables a potential exploration or application of these mathematical concepts in a novel way, possibly to introduce certain properties or behaviors in the attention models of transformers. Particularly:

  1. Regularization or Constraint: Odd functions have a natural symmetry about the origin. Introducing such a function could act as a form of regularization or constraint, ensuring certain symmetrical behaviors in the model’s outputs or attention weights.
  2. Sparsity: Odd analytic functions, depending on their form and application, might be used to induce sparsity in attention weights, especially if the function tends to push smaller values towards zero.
  3. Non-linearity: Introducing non-linearities is crucial in deep learning models to capture complex patterns. Odd analytic functions can introduce a specific type of non-linearity that might be beneficial under certain conditions or for specific tasks.
  4. Model Interpretability: The properties of odd analytic functions might be leveraged to enhance the interpretability of attention weights, especially if these functions introduce discernible patterns or behaviors in the attention mechanism.

Gradient Structure and Stability

The math paper delves deeply into the gradient structure of graph dynamical systems and their stability. This understanding can be crucial when designing attention mechanisms, especially when considering the flow of gradients during backpropagation. Stable systems might lead to more robust training dynamics.

  1. Equilibria and Zeros of the Coupling Function: The discussion revolves around how the set of equilibria in these systems is influenced by the zeros of the coupling function. When considering attention mechanisms, it’s vital to understand how different components achieve equilibrium to ensure the model emphasizes the correct parts of the input.
  2. Graph Structures: The emphasis is on various graph structures and their characteristics. Given that attention mechanisms can be visualized as a type of graph where nodes represent tokens and edges denote attention scores, this knowledge might suggest innovative ways to organize attention or implement constraints for enhanced performance.
  3. Dynamics and Behavior: The exploration of the system’s long-term behavior, especially when considering increasing coupling functions, could offer insights into the dynamics of attention mechanisms over extended sequences or through multiple layers.

Now let’s look at a detailed mathematical postulate for a novel approach for building attention models based on graph gradient diffusion.

Graph-based Attention

Let’s consider a sequence of tokens T={t1​,t2​,…,tn​}. Each token ti​ can be represented as a vertex in a graph G with vertices V(G) and edges E(G).

Graph-based Attention Vertex and Edge Representation:

  • Each token ti​ corresponds to a vertex vi​ in V(G).
  • The attention weight between two tokens ti​ and tj​ can be represented by an edge e_ij​ in E(G). The weight of this edge, w_ij​, represents the attention score between the two tokens.

Mathematically, the attention weight matrix A can be defined as: A=[a_ij​] where:

Dynamical System on Graph:

  • Let’s define a dynamical system on the graph G where the state of each vertex v_i​ at time t is given by x_i​(t). The evolution of this state is influenced by the attention weights.

The dynamical system can be represented by the equation:

Here, f represents the intrinsic dynamics of the token, and g represents the influence of other tokens on the token ti​ through the attention weights.

The equation for the dynamical system captures the idea that the attention weights evolve over time, refining the relationships between tokens and making them more contextually relevant.

This representation provides a mathematical framework to integrate the concepts of graph dynamical systems with attention mechanisms in transformers. However, the exact forms of the functions f and g and other parameters would need to be determined based on empirical studies and the specific application in mind.

Energy-based Attention Refinement

Let’s define the energy function E_attn on the graph G with vertices V and edges E, where each vertex represents a token or word piece and each edge represents the attention weight between tokens. The energy function E_attn is defined as:


  • x is a vector representing the attention scores for each token.
  • f is a function that represents the inherent attention score of a token.
  • g is a coupling function that represents the attention relationship between two tokens.
  • a_jk​ represents the strength of the connection (edge weight) between tokens j and k.

To refine the attention scores, we update them using the gradient of the energy function:

Where x˙i​(t) represents the rate of change of the attention score of token i at time t.

This equation captures the essence of refining attention scores by minimizing an energy function over the graph. The energy function represents the quality of the attention distribution, and the gradient descent approach ensures that the attention scores evolve in a direction that minimizes this energy, leading to optimal attention scores.

Sparsity Incorporation

Odd Analytic Coupling: Given the attention mechanism’s non-linearity introduced by odd analytic functions, let’s represent the attention score of a token i at time t as x_i​(t). The evolution of this score, influenced by the odd analytic function f, can be represented as:

Where x˙i​(t) denotes the rate of change of the attention score of token i at time t.

Thresholding: To incorporate sparsity, we can introduce a thresholding function Θ defined as:

Where τ is the threshold value. After a certain number of iterations or when the energy of the system reaches a minimum threshold, the attention scores are updated as:

Combining the two concepts, the overall equation for the sparsity-incorporated attention mechanism can be represented as:

This equation captures the essence of introducing non-linearity using odd analytic functions and achieving sparsity by thresholding the attention scores. The attention scores evolve based on the non-linear function, and after reaching a certain energy threshold, insignificant scores are zeroed out, leading to a sparse attention mechanism.

Stability and Equilibria

Equilibrium Points: The equilibrium points in the attention mechanism can be represented as the critical points of an energy function E. These are the points where the gradient of the energy function is zero. Formally, for a given attention score vector x in Rn, the equilibrium condition is given by:

Where E:Rn→R is the energy function that quantifies the quality of the attention distribution. The dynamics of the attention scores can be described by the gradient system:

​For i=1,2,…,n, where x˙i​(t) is the rate of change of the attention score of the ith token at time t.

Bifurcation Analysis: Bifurcation points provide insights into the regions where the attention scores exhibit a change in behavior. Mathematically, a bifurcation occurs when there’s a change in the number or stability of equilibria as a parameter varies. Let’s denote λ as a parameter in our attention mechanism. The bifurcation condition can be represented as:

The first equation signifies that at the bifurcation point, the second derivative of the energy function with respect to the attention score is zero, indicating a potential change in stability. The second equation ensures that the bifurcation is non-degenerate.

Incorporating these insights into the attention mechanism, one can imagine a scenario where the attention scores are iteratively updated using the gradient system. As the scores evolve, they might approach equilibrium points, which are optimal in terms of the energy function. However, as external parameters (like the input sequence or model parameters) change, the system might encounter bifurcation points, leading to a shift in the attention distribution’s behavior.


Parameter Sharing: Let P be the set of unique parameters in the model. For a model with trillions of parameters, we can define a function

such that multiple vertices in V can map to the same parameter in P, indicating parameter sharing.

Hierarchical Attention: Define a sequence of attention layers L1​,L2​,…,Lk​ where each layer Li​ is a subset of V. The attention mechanism in layer Li+1​ attends to the outputs of layer Li​. Mathematically, for each vLi+1​, the attention weights are determined by:

where w(u,v) is the attention weight between tokens u and v, and O(u) is the output of token u.

Combining these concepts, the overall attention mechanism can be represented as:

This equation captures the idea of parameter sharing across the attention mechanism and the hierarchical structure where higher layers attend to the outputs of lower layers. The model’s scalability is achieved by sharing parameters and reducing computational complexity through the hierarchical structure.

Training and Optimization


be the training dataset, where x(i) represents the input data and y(i) is the corresponding target. The attention mechanism’s output is denoted as O(x).

Regularization: Introduce a regularization term R(O) in the loss function to prevent overfitting and encourage sparsity. The loss function J with regularization can be defined as:

Where L is the standard loss term (e.g., mean squared error), λ is the regularization parameter, and R(O) represents a regularization term that penalizes complex attention distributions.

Adaptive Learning Rates: Utilize an adaptive learning rate α during training that adjusts based on the energy landscape’s gradient. This adaptive learning rate can be formulated as:

where γ is a scaling factor, ∇E(O) is the gradient of the energy landscape with respect to the attention mechanism’s output O, and ∥∥⋅∥∥ represents the Euclidean norm.

Combining both concepts, the overall optimization process involves updating the attention mechanism’s parameters iteratively based on the computed gradients and the adaptive learning rate:

This equation encapsulates the training and optimization process, including the incorporation of regularization to maintain sparsity and the use of adaptive learning rates for faster convergence and stability.

By integrating the insights from graph dynamical systems and the principles of energy minimization, we can design a mathematically rigorous and efficient attention mechanism for transformers in very large LLMs. This approach not only ensures computational efficiency but also provides a solid mathematical foundation for understanding and optimizing the attention mechanism.


I have provided a significant portion of the research but not all of it. Merging these concepts with your attention models could risk overfitting, reduce interpretability, and pose compatibility issues with existing techniques based on the domain of your data. Venturing into this domain requires a deep understanding of graph gradient diffusion and complex dynamical systems to avoid misinterpretation of this article and to stay abreast of ongoing research developments. It’s crucial to approach such integration with rigor, testing, and a readiness to adapt based on empirical findings.


Freedom Preetham is an AI Researcher with background in math and quantum physics and working on genomics in particular. You are free to use and expand on this research idea as applicable to other domains. Attribution to Freedom Preetham is welcome if you find it useful.

