Part 5 — Integrating the Weighted Choquard Equation with Fourier Neural Operators

Freedom Preetham
Autonomous Agents
Published in
9 min readAug 8, 2024

In recent years, there has been significant interest in leveraging machine learning techniques to solve complex partial differential equations (PDEs), particularly those with nonlocal interactions and memory effects. The weighted Choquard equation is a prime example of a nonlocal PDE that arises in various fields such as quantum mechanics, astrophysics, and nonlinear optics which can also be applied to genomics.

Its inherent complexity, driven by long-range dependencies and nonlocal interactions, poses challenges for traditional numerical methods. Fourier Neural Operators (FNOs), a class of machine learning models designed to solve PDEs by learning mappings between function spaces, offer a promising approach to tackling such problems. By integrating the Choquard equation with FNOs, I aim to derive a probable robust framework that is capable of addressing the unique challenges posed by nonlocal PDEs, expanding the applicability of FNOs to more complex mathematical models.

Non-local influence for AGI series

Part 1 — Fractional Elliptic Problems and Artificial General Intelligence

Part 2 — Fractional Laplacian and Cognitive Modeling

Part 3 — Randomized Algo and Spectral Decomposition for High-Dimensional Fractional Laplacians

Part 4 — Non Local Interactions in AGI through Weighted Choquard Equation

Part 5 — Integrating the Weighted Choquard with Fourier Neural Operators

Overview of Fourier Neural Operators (FNOs)

Fourier Neural Operators are designed to solve partial differential equations by learning a mapping between function spaces. Given a PDE of the form

where L is a differential operator, u is the function to be solved, and f is a known forcing function, FNOs aim to learn an operator G such that

FNOs work by transforming the problem into the frequency domain. The key steps are as follows:

Fourier Transform: Transform the input function f(x) into its frequency domain representation ^f(k) using the Fourier transform.

Spectral Convolution: Apply a learned operator in the frequency domain, represented by spectral weights W(k), which acts as a convolution in the spectral space.

where k denotes the Fourier modes.

Inverse Fourier Transform: Transform the result back into the spatial domain using the inverse Fourier transform to obtain the solution u(x):

This framework allows FNOs to learn complex mappings directly in the spectral domain, effectively capturing both local and global behaviors of the solution.

Formulation of the Weighted Choquard Equation

The weighted Choquard equation is a nonlocal PDE given by:


is the Laplacian operator, capturing the diffusion or spreading effect.

  • λ is a parameter that scales the linear term u(x).
  • The integral term models nonlocal interactions across the domain Ω, with μ controlling the strength of these interactions based on the distance between points x and y.
  • Q(∣x∣) and F(u(x)) are weight and nonlinearity functions, respectively, which modulate the influence of different regions within the domain.

This equation is challenging to solve due to the integral term, which introduces long-range dependencies and memory effects.

Combining FNOs with the Weighted Choquard Equation

To incorporate the weighted Choquard equation into the FNO framework, we proceed as follows:

Reformulate the Choquard Equation for FNOs: The equation is reformulated to separate the local differential operator and the nonlocal integral term, allowing each component to be addressed in the Fourier domain:

Here, G represents the operator learned by the FNO, which must now handle both differential and integral terms.

Fourier Representation of the Integral Term: Applying the Fourier transform to the integral term, we obtain:

where ∗ denotes convolution in the frequency domain, and ^Q(k), ^F(k) are the Fourier transforms of the respective functions. This representation enables the spectral convolution necessary for the FNO.

Learning the Operator ^G​: The FNO is trained to learn the operator ^G(k) by minimizing the difference between the predicted and true solutions:

This involves adjusting the spectral weights W(k) during training to accurately capture both the local differential and nonlocal integral behaviors.

Inverse Fourier Transform and Solution Reconstruction: After the operator ^G(k) is learned, it is applied to new inputs. The inverse Fourier transform is then used to reconstruct the solution in the spatial domain:

This final step provides the solution u(x), which integrates the effects of both local and nonlocal interactions as described by the weighted Choquard equation.

Ahem, Where Do We Get “True” Solutions From?

An important assumption in learning the operator ^G is that true solutions to the weighted Choquard equation are available in the first place! This raises a potential circular dependency: how can we rely on solutions to train the model if the purpose of the model is to find those very solutions? However, it’s crucial to note that there are established traditional numerical methods that can generate these true solutions for the weighted Choquard equation.

Numerical Solutions:

  • In practice, the “true” solutions referenced in training FNOs are often obtained from high-fidelity numerical methods. These methods, such as finite element methods (FEM), finite difference methods (FDM), or spectral methods, are well-established and can provide accurate approximations to the solutions of PDEs. While these are not exact solutions in a strict mathematical sense, they are considered sufficiently accurate to serve as ground truth for training and validation.
  • For example, you might solve the Choquard equation using a finite element solver on a fine grid to generate a set of solutions, which you then use to train the FNO. The numerical solution is treated as the “true” solution for the purposes of training.

Analytical Solutions:

  • For some specific cases or simplified versions of PDEs, analytical solutions might be available. These can serve as exact solutions against which the FNO’s performance can be measured.
  • However, analytical solutions are rare for complex, nonlocal PDEs like the Choquard equation, and they are typically available only for idealized or reduced cases.

Synthetic Data:

  • In some instances, synthetic data might be generated based on known properties or solutions of the PDE. This approach is common in machine learning when dealing with data-driven methods for PDEs.
  • For instance, if certain characteristics of the solution are known (e.g., symmetry, decay rates), synthetic solutions that satisfy these properties can be created and used as reference solutions for training.

Benchmark Problems:

  • There are established benchmark problems in the literature that come with known solutions, either analytical or numerical. These benchmarks serve as a standard for validating the performance of new methods like FNOs.
  • Researchers often test their models on these benchmarks to demonstrate that their method can recover known solutions accurately.

Implications for Learning G: Given that the “true” solutions used in training are typically high-quality numerical approximations, the FNO is essentially learning an operator that approximates the mapping between the PDE’s inputs and the numerical solution outputs. The goal is for the FNO to generalize this mapping well enough to predict solutions for new, unseen inputs.

Motivation for Using FNOs to Solve Complex PDEs

At this point, you might be questioning the rationale behind using FNOs to solve the weighted Choquard equations if true solutions can already be obtained through traditional methods. At first glance, this might seem counterproductive. Here is the motivation to why we took the pain:

Traditional Numerical Methods are Computationally Expensive:

  • Solving complex PDEs, especially those involving nonlocal interactions like the Choquard equation, using traditional numerical methods can be computationally intensive. Methods such as finite element methods (FEM), finite difference methods (FDM), or spectral methods require significant computational resources, particularly for high-dimensional problems or fine grid resolutions.
  • FNOs offer a potentially faster alternative by learning an operator that can approximate the solution much more quickly after the initial training phase. This speed-up is especially valuable in applications where repeated solution of similar PDEs is required, such as in real-time simulations or optimization problems.

Generalization to New Problems:

  • Once an FNO is trained, it can generalize to new instances of the PDE with different parameters or initial conditions without needing to solve the PDE from scratch each time. This contrasts with traditional numerical methods, where each new problem instance typically requires a full re-computation.
  • This ability to generalize makes FNOs particularly attractive for scenarios like parametric studies, inverse problems, or uncertainty quantification, where the PDE needs to be solved repeatedly for different input configurations.

Handling Complex, Nonlocal Interactions:

  • The weighted Choquard equation is an example of a PDE with nonlocal interactions, meaning that the solution at a given point depends on the values of the solution at distant points in the domain. These nonlocal effects are challenging to capture with traditional methods.
  • FNOs are designed to handle such complexity by operating in the frequency domain, where nonlocal interactions can be more naturally represented and manipulated. This makes FNOs well-suited for problems like the Choquard equation, where traditional methods might struggle.

Scalability to Higher Dimensions:

  • Traditional numerical methods often face difficulties scaling to higher dimensions due to the curse of dimensionality, where the computational cost grows exponentially with the number of dimensions.
  • FNOs, by leveraging neural network architectures, can offer better scalability to higher-dimensional problems. While training an FNO can still be resource-intensive, the inference (prediction) phase is generally much faster and more scalable compared to solving the PDE directly using traditional methods.

Integration with Data-Driven Approaches:

  • In many modern scientific and engineering applications, data-driven approaches are becoming increasingly important. FNOs fit naturally into this paradigm, where they can be trained on data generated from simulations, experiments, or a combination of both.
  • This integration allows for the development of models that not only solve PDEs but also incorporate empirical data, leading to more accurate and robust predictions in real-world applications.

Example Implementation

To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, consider a system governed by the weighted Choquard equation where the nonlocal interaction term

represents long-range dependencies, such as those found in certain physical or biological systems. The implementation steps are as follows:

  1. Data Preparation: Generate or collect data where the solutions u(x) to the weighted Choquard equation are known. This data can be obtained from numerical simulations or analytical solutions.
  2. Fourier Transform: Apply the Fourier transform to the input data, with particular focus on the integral term, which is interpreted as a convolution in the spatial domain.
  3. Model Training: Use an FNO architecture to learn the operator G that maps the transformed inputs to the desired outputs. During training, adjust the spectral weights W(k) to capture both local and nonlocal interactions accurately.
  4. Validation and Testing: Test the trained model on new data, comparing the predicted solutions with known solutions to evaluate the model’s performance.
  5. Application to New Problems: Once the model is trained, apply it to new, unseen problems where the weighted Choquard equation governs the underlying dynamics.

Future Thought

The integration of nonlocal PDEs like the weighted Choquard equation with FNOs represents a significant advancement in the capability of machine learning methods to solve complex mathematical problems. Future work could explore the extension of this framework to higher-dimensional problems and more general nonlocal operators. Additionally, investigating the stability and generalization properties of the learned operators across different types of PDEs could provide deeper insights into the robustness of this approach.

This opens new avenues for applying these techniques in fields such as quantum mechanics, fluid dynamics, and materials science, where nonlocal interactions play a crucial role. The potential to develop hybrid models that combine traditional numerical methods with machine learning-based operators also warrants further exploration, offering a promising direction for future research.

