Q* Algorithm is NOT Q-Learning

Freedom Preetham
Autonomous Agents
Published in
10 min readNov 25, 2023

Ever since OpenAI revealed the alleged Q* project, the number of people posting content that Q* is Q-learning, is quite hilarious, concerning and too early to judge!

For all we know,

  1. Q* is a placeholder name for an AI model as of now.
  2. The Q* algorithm has nothing to do with Q-learning . The Q* algorithm is a highly sophisticated theorem prover, exemplary in question-answering systems.
  3. There is no evidence that the name ‘Q*’ for the AI model is related to Q-learning or the Q* algorithm or something quite random (again completely different algorithms/techniques)!

In this blog, I present an in-depth analysis of the Q* algorithm which is completely different from Q-learning.

(People are mostly confusing the Q function in Q-Learning which is also denoted as Q*, but this is of no consequence to be called out separately, as this is not as magical as a theorem prover.)

I have focused on the Q* algorithm’s role in development of neural open information extraction and reinforcement learning, which is speculative and only my take on it. I aim to clarify their complex structures and significant roles possible within artificial intelligence.

What are Automated Theorem Provers?

Automated theorem provers are computer programs that use formal logic to prove mathematical theorems and logical statements automatically. They have applications in mathematics, computer science, and artificial intelligence, ensuring correctness and advancing logical reasoning in various fields.

Why Are They a Big Deal for AGI?

Automated theorem provers hold immense significance for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) due to the following key reasons:

  • Enhanced Reasoning: They empower AGI systems with human-like deductive reasoning, enabling rigorous problem-solving and theorem proving.
  • Versatility: These tools are adaptable across diverse domains, making AGI versatile in mathematics, computer science, natural language understanding, and more.
  • Autonomous Learning: AGI can autonomously learn new concepts, reason, and expand its knowledge base with theorem provers.
  • Decision Making: They enable higher-level reasoning, crucial for advanced problem-solving and strategic decision-making.
  • Self-Improvement: AGI continuously enhances its understanding and problem-solving abilities with the assistance of theorem provers.
  • Certainty and Trust: In critical applications, theorem provers provide certainty and reliability, crucial for trustworthy AGI decisions.
  • Integration: They can be seamlessly integrated with other AI techniques, creating holistic AGI systems that combine data-driven learning with logical reasoning.

History of Q* algorithm

  • The original Q* algorithm paper is anchored in the year 1973, a period marked by significant advancements in Artificial Intelligence and computational logic.
  • It forms part of a series or volume titled “Artificial Intelligence 4 (1973), 225–243”, indicating its place within a broader academic discourse.
  • The contributors of this paper were Jack Minker (Department of Computer Science and Computer Science, Center, University of Maryland, College Park, Md.), Daniel H. Fishman (Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass.) James R. McSkimin (Department of Computer Science and Computer Science Center, University of Maryland, College Park, Md.)
  • The paper was recommended by Nils J Nilsson, which in-and-itself is quite a heavy endorsement.

Key Contributors and Intellectual Landscape

  • The paper references a host of notable figures in the field, including Hart, P., Niisson, N., Raphael, B., Hewitt, C., Kowalski, R., Hayes, P., Kuehner, D., Minker, J., Fishman, D. H., McSkimin, J. R., and Nilsson, N.
  • These individuals are known for their contributions to the development of AI and theorem proving, and hence this paper is well-situated within the intellectual milieu of its time.

Core Mathematical and Algorithmic Discussions:

  • The paper’s primary focus is on the Q* Algorithm, which it examines in detail, comparing it to other algorithms like Y~ and SL resolution*.
  • It delves into complex topics such as set-of-support, linear resolution, and selection functions, which are crucial for understanding the mechanics of theorem proving in AI.
  • A significant part of the discussion revolves around comparative statistics for different queries, using set-of-support and SL resolution. These statistics are crucial for understanding the efficiency and effectiveness of different theorem-proving approaches.
  • The use of a genealogical database of Eskimos as a case study provides a practical application of these algorithms. This database includes detailed information about individuals’ familial relations, birth dates, and places of birth.
  • The paper also explores the role of semantic trees in automatic theorem-proving, highlighting the evolution of AI logic systems.
  • An important aspect of the discussion is the filtering methods in theorem proving. These methods aim to reduce the number of axioms generated, thereby streamlining the theorem-proving process and enhancing its efficiency.
  • The concept of refutation completeness in search algorithms is another critical point of discussion, emphasizing the balance between exhaustive search and logical efficiency in AI theorem proving.

Deep Mathematical Insights into Q*

Enhanced Logical Inference in Theorem Proving

The Q* algorithm excels in logical inference, crucial for theorem proving in AI. It employs sophisticated methods for resolving logical statements, focusing on:

  • Set-of-Support Strategy: This strategy involves selecting certain clauses as the ‘set of support’ and restricting resolution to these clauses. This approach is effective in reducing the search space and improving the efficiency of theorem proving.
  • Linear Resolution and Selection Functions: The Q* algorithm uses linear resolution, a form of resolution that linearly orders the clauses and resolves them in that order. Selection functions are used to choose the clauses and literals within clauses for resolution, optimizing the theorem-proving process.

Semantic Analysis in Theorem Proving

While the original Q* algorithm does not use neural networks, it does involve semantic analysis within the context of logical inference:

  • Semantic Trees: The algorithm utilizes semantic trees to represent the logical structure of arguments. These trees help in visualizing the logical flow and dependencies within the theorem-proving process.
  • Filtering Methods: To enhance efficiency, the Q* algorithm implements filtering methods that reduce the number of axioms generated during the theorem-proving process. This reduction is crucial for managing complex logical structures more effectively.

Reward Function in Logical Inference

The concept of a ‘reward function’ is not traditionally part of theorem-proving algorithms like Q*. However, if we were to conceptualize a reward mechanism for Q*, it would focus on:

  • Efficiency of Proof: Measuring the number of steps or resolutions required to reach a conclusion. Fewer steps would indicate a more efficient proof process.
  • Completeness and Soundness: Ensuring that the algorithm is both complete (able to prove all true statements) and sound (only proves true statements).
  • Complexity Management: Rewarding the algorithm for handling complex logical structures and large sets of axioms effectively.

Caution: Beyond the historical context, the enhancement of the Q* algorithm to modern semantic analysis is purely speculative and just my personal take on it. There is no evidence that OpenAI uses any of this. If they do, then my speculative work is purely coincidental.

Advanced Mathematical Framework for Enhanced Q* Algorithm

Enhanced Logical Inference with Graph-Theoretic Approach

Graph-Based Representation of Logical Structures:

Represent the logical statements and their relationships as a directed graph G(V,E), where vertices V represent clauses and edges E represent logical dependencies.

Define a graph embedding function ϕ:V→Rn that maps each vertex (clause) to an n-dimensional vector space.

The edge weights wij​ between vertices vi​ and vj​ are determined by the logical relationship strength.

Optimization on Graph Structures:

Implement a graph-based optimization algorithm to identify the most efficient resolution path.

Define a path efficiency function Peff​(vi​,vj​) over the graph.

Optimize the resolution path using

The expression represents the maximum effective probability P_eff​ over all pairs of vertices vi​ and vj​ in a set V. The max function is used to find the highest value of P_eff​(vi​,vj​) for any pair of vertices within the set V.

Deep Semantic Analysis with Neural Networks

Deep Neural Embeddings for Semantic Trees:

Utilize deep learning models (e.g., Transformers) to generate embeddings that capture complex semantic relationships in logical structures.

Let DeepEmbed(Li​) be the deep neural embedding of clause Li​.

Semantic relationships are modeled as

Probabilistic Filtering with Bayesian Inference:

Apply Bayesian inference to probabilistically determine the relevance of axioms.

Define a Bayesian model P(Ai​∣S,θ), where θ represents the model parameters.

Update the model based on evidence using Bayes’ theorem:

Advanced Reward Function with Multi-Objective Optimization

Multi-Objective Reward Function in Reinforcement Learning:

Design a multi-objective reward function that balances efficiency, completeness, soundness, and complexity management.

Define a reward function R(S,n,α,β,γ), where α,β,γ are weighting coefficients for different objectives.

Optimize the policy π to maximize a weighted sum of objectives:


  • max_π​ denotes the maximization over the policy π.
  • E represents the expected value.
  • R_eff​(S,n), R_complete​(S), and R_complex​(S) are different reward functions, possibly efficiency, completeness, and complexity rewards, respectively.
  • α, β, and γ are weighting coefficients for these rewards.
  • S and n are variables or states relevant to the context, with S likely being a state and n a specific parameter or condition within that state.
  • The expression inside the brackets is conditioned on the policy π.

Complexity Management with Computational Complexity Theory: Integrate computational complexity considerations to manage and optimize the handling of complex logical structures.

Introduce a complexity measure C(S) that evaluates the computational complexity of processing state S.

Incorporate C(S) into the optimization problem to balance theorem-proving efficiency and computational feasibility.

Additional Frameworks for Enhanced Q* Algorithm

Advanced Semantic Analysis with Neural Networks

For semantic analysis, Q* can utilize neural network structures such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformers. These models are capable of handling complex dependencies in text data:

In the RNN equation, ht​ represents the hidden state at time t, σ is the activation function, W is the weight matrix, ht−1​ is the hidden state at time t−1,xt​ is the input at time t, and b is the bias term.

In the Transformer equation, Attention(Q,K,V) represents the attention mechanism with queries Q, keys K, and values V. The softmax function is applied to the scaled dot-product of Q and KT (the transpose of K), scaled by dk​​, where dk​ is the dimension of the key vectors. The result is then multiplied by V.

Complex Reward Function in Reinforcement Learning

The reward function in Q* can be designed to be comprehensive, assessing accuracy, contextual relevance, and temporal factors:


  • R(e,t) represents the reward function, depending on the entity e and time t.
  • α,β,γ,δ are the weighting coefficients for different components of the reward.
  • S(e,c,t) denotes a function measuring some aspect of the entity e, context c, and time t.
  • SyntacticScore(e,t) evaluates the syntactic aspects of e at time t.

Contextual Relevance:

  • ContextualRelevance(e,c,t) assesses the relevance of e in the context c at time t.
  • TemporalDynamics(e,t) accounts for the temporal factors affecting e at time t.

Q-Learning: Mathematical Framework

In contrast, Q-Learning is completely different than Q* Algorithm.

Deep Q-Networks (DQN) and Reinforcement Learning

Q-learning incorporates neural networks via Deep Q-Networks (DQN), enabling the handling of complex, multi-dimensional state spaces:


  • Q(s,a;θ) represents the output of the DQN, which is the estimated value of taking action a in state s, parameterized by θ.
  • DNN(s,a;θ) indicates that this value is computed using a Deep Neural Network (DNN) with input as state s and action a, and parameters θ.

This formulation is central to the function of DQNs in reinforcement learning, where deep learning models are used to approximate the Q-value function.

Enhanced Bellman Optimality Principle

In advanced Q-learning scenarios, such as DQN, the Bellman equation integrates neural network approximations:


  • θ is the target network weights.
  • Q∗(s,a;θ) represents the optimal Q-value for taking action a in state s, parameterized by θ.
  • E[⋅] denotes the expected value.
  • r is the immediate reward received after taking action a in state s.
  • γ is the discount factor, which balances the importance of immediate and future rewards.
  • max_a′​Q∗(s′,a′;θ′) is the maximum Q-value for the next state s′ and all possible actions a′ in that state, given the parameters θ′.

This formulation is fundamental in Q-learning algorithms, especially those employing neural networks, as it defines how the Q-values are updated towards their optimal values.

Q* Algorithm vs Q-Learning: Comparison

Algorithmic Structures in Depth

Analyzing the algorithmic complexity of Q* reveals its reliance on language processing techniques, which can be modeled through complex computational linguistics theories.

In contrast, Q-learning, shows a deep foundation in Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and dynamic programming.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Q* aims to model and extract structured information from unstructured text, a goal demanding an amalgamation of linguistic theory and statistical learning.

Q-learning’s objectives are grounded in finding optimal policies in a stochastic environment, a challenge rooted in probabilistic models and decision theory.

Applications and Implications

Q* is instrumental in neural open IE, sophisticated semantic analysis and language based deductive question-answer reasoning.

Q-learning, and its extensions like SARSA, DQN etc., find broader applications in fields ranging from robotics to game AI, each demanding a unique mathematical approach.

In this blog, I clarify the differences between the Q* algorithm and Q-learning, emphasizing their separate roles in AI. I also introduces the idea of potential cross-disciplinary exploration between theorem proving and reinforcement learning.

An open discussion could focus on whether merging these distinct areas could lead to innovative AI solutions, highlighting the synergy that arises when different AI domains intersect, possibly sparking new research directions and opportunities.

