November Newsletter 2019

Chicago Public Schools Strike, SKTU Update, Pedal for Peace, and Upcoming Events!

Autonomous Tenants Union
Autonomous Tenants Union
4 min readNov 6, 2019


Chicago Public Schools Strike

This week, the Chicago Teachers Union and SEIU Local 73 settled a historic strike after spending 11 days picketing, marching, and occupying city hall and the offices of developers like Sterling Bay. ATU was proud to stand in solidarity with CTU and SEIU73, with members showing support on the picket lines and helping in citywide efforts to provide food and hot beverages to striking workers. Teachers and staff of Chicago’s public schools walked off the job demanding not just living wages and fair benefits, but a full reorientation of our city’s priorities away from wealthy bankers and developers and toward the working class. Presently, as billions of dollars are given away to private developers for luxury projects like Lincoln Yards and The 78, Chicago public schools — and its student body that is 83% black and Latinx — is being starved of resources, resulting in unmanageable class sizes and schools lacking libraries and full-time nurses and social workers.

CTU and SEIU73 used their power as organized workers to fight on behalf of the entire working class, especially the 17,000 homeless CPS students and countless others experiencing housing insecurity, by calling on Mayor Lightfoot to provide funding for “housing assistance for new teachers… staff members to help students and families in danger of losing housing, and… other steps to advocate for more affordable housing overall in the city.” The contract they won, pending rank-and-file approval, will create a “School Community Representative” position in each affected school to advocate for students’ housing needs. In this fight, they have illustrated the interconnectedness of our struggles for justice and equality, and the strength we have when we organize together.

SKTU Update

On October 2nd, members of the Sunnyside Kedzie Tenants Union organized a protest outside of Triff Enterprises’ listed address, urging Triff to negotiate with tenants facing eviction and to let them stay! The solidarity with SKTU was strong despite the rain and gloom — community members and allies from all over the city helped make sure Triff’s neighbors heard all about the poor conditions, lack of security, and abusive management SKTU members face.

Make sure to follow us on social media and check for any updates for any upcoming actions!

Pedal for Peace

Thank you to all of our donors, riders, and allies who supported us this year at the 32nd annual Pedal for Peace event on September 22nd. ATU alone raised $2337! The Pedal for Peace coordinating groups will be dividing the total funds raised equally between the 6 participating groups. Although we still do not have an exact number, ATU will be receiving over $3,000!

We could not have done this without your support! These funds will allow us to keep fighting together for the right to dignified housing, covering legal interpretation costs, protest materials, food for meetings and asambleas, know yours rights literature, childcare materials, emergency mutual aid, and more.

For the first time Pedal for Peace’s 32 years, the bike-a-thon was cancelled due to inclement weather, so CRLN and Pedal For Peace’s co-sponsors held a fiesta to celebrate the great work done for our causes and the funds we’ve raised! Thank you again to everyone for your support with this event!

Upcoming Events

Keep an eye out for these November events:

On Saturday, November 9th, rather than having our regular asamblea, we will be attending the Northwest Side Lift the Ban Rent Control Town Hall at 3501 N Kilbourn Ave at 12pm. Spanish/English interpretation will be available. RSVP here, and learn more here.

On Saturday, November 16th, we will be back in Albany Park for an asamblea about Housing and Capitalism. Join us at 3253 W Wilson Ave from 4–6pm! As always, Spanish/English interpretation, snacks and childcare will be provided.

The Autonomous Tenants Union (ATU) is an all-volunteer organization committed to organizing for housing justice from below and to the left. As an independent collective based in Chicago, we strategize together to defend and enforce our right to dignified housing. We believe that housing is a human right not a commodity! We fight for an end to all of evictions, and for community control of housing through the building of popular power.

Sign up here to receive our monthly newsletter in your inbox.

Donate to ATU here.



Autonomous Tenants Union
Autonomous Tenants Union

The Autonomous Tenants Union (ATU) is a tenants collective in Chicago dedicated to supporting & defending the rights of tenants | Facebook: