Antiquated, Backwards and Completely Awesome

Russell Wilson and Ciara’s decision shocks Hollywood and the media

Raj Nair
Autonomous Magazine
3 min readJul 28, 2015


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From the infuriating tragedy in Chattanooga, to the open selling of children’s body parts, to the misguided negotiating table in Vienna, July was not a kind month to the United States.

Just as all these headlines were culminating into one grand facepalm, an astonishing report baffled the entertainment world. An egregiously outdated and archaic practice suddenly became front-page Hollywood news.

Super Bowl champion quarterback Russell Wilson and multi-platinum singer-songwriter Ciara have decided not to have sex until they are married because of their personal trust in God.

Wilson asked Ciara, “What would you do if we took all that ‘extra stuff’ off the table, and just did it the Jesus’ way?”

As a sports fan, I’m amazed that such a high-profile role model would respect and love his girlfriend enough to lead and honor their relationship with such selfless conviction. As a young man I’m overwhelmingly impressed that in the midst of ceaseless temptation, these two mega-stars are worried more about glorifying God than fleeting gratification. And as a Christian I can’t thank them enough for showcasing their belief that their Creator has prepared something wildly worth the wait.

Wendy Williams disagrees. “This is so impractical for two people who clearly aren’t virgins,” she argued from her talk show.

Soon she was taking a poll amongst her crowd. “Clap if you think that Ciara and Russell are doing the right thing by abstaining until they get married.” To her shock, cheers were heard throughout the crowd.

I don’t want to critique Williams’ culturally typical opinion. Rather, as strange as this might sound, I wish to celebrate with you this beautiful cultural anomaly that — because of love — challenges our impatient, self-satisfaction and morally ambivalent society.

At the end of that segment Williams acquiesced: “I think that you’re impractical. I admire, you know I love people who tell their own truth. I don’t care whether I agree or not. Strong is the person who stands in their own conviction. So good for you cornballs.”

Granted, the couple’s pledge doesn’t compensate for July’s barrage of awful news. On the other hand, this story has inspired widely circulated articles by the Huffington Post, E!, Washington Times, Cosmopolitan, TheBlaze, Access Hollywood, The Daily Beast, Entertainment Tonight and beyond.

On the other, other hand, the cynic would be quick to point out Ciara’s newborn baby with another man and Wilson’s recent divorce. On the other, other, other hand, as a fellow recovering hypocrite and relational regenerate, seeing them entrust their struggle to God’s strength is beyond refreshing.

Here’s a question I want you and I to seriously contemplate: Why is this even “news”?

Could there be any inherent value in deciding to protect sexual intimacy? Could what might appear as irritating self-righteousness actually be genuine reverence for each other’s God-given dignity? Could our Creator, who created sex, have created marriage to fully display and actualize the profound nature of this ineffable union?

Could we be seeing the beginning of a marital renaissance? Did you see Neon Trees perform on Late Night with Seth Meyers recently? The band’s drummer Elaine Bradley wore a shirt that read dramatically, “Porn Kills Love.” Could our unrestrained and licentious culture of sex be backfiring towards unselfish purity?

Could this antiquated, backwards and completely awesome stance be the flicker of light that reminds us that hope remains in this storm?

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