Good Morning Church

LaVern Vivio
Autonomous Magazine
4 min readJun 4, 2016

June 5, 2016 — Why Are You Here?

Have you ever asked yourself that question?

Or do you walk through the world — keeping the volume turned up on everything around you so it will drown out that little voice calling you to something better.

Or you keep it all turned up to drown out another voice trying to convince you that this is it — “This is as good as it gets.”

I met a guy Thursday night that seemed to be struggling with just that.

We met by chance — a bit abruptly when he hit our motionless car as we sat waiting to turn left onto the road leading to our home.

Everyone was able to walk away — the car he was driving was not so lucky — but as we stood waiting for the emergency responders I asked him, “Have you been drinking?” he lied and said, “No.” So I asked again a few moments later. “Are you sure you haven’t been drinking?” Finally he admitted, “Yeah, some.” Then he began to ramble on trying to explain the circumstances we now found ourselves in.

He seemed to want me to hear more of his story — his excuse — but I politely said, “Remember I am the one you hit.” So he stopped talking and walked away.

It wasn’t till later I realized what a mistake I had made. Not that I should not have called him out for drinking and driving — I would do that again — but I missed a chance to do what I’m here for.

Let me explain;

Since the wreck my mind has been consumed with thoughts of wondering what his life would be like after the wreck.

Is he a husband — a father?

What will happen when he doesn’t show up for work?

How many people in his world are counting on him? Was that their only mode of transportation?

Or maybe it’s just him.

Maybe he lives alone — and he’s a bit lonely.

He had a few beers — and that made him crave a cigarette so bad.

He never dreamed he couldn’t drive — it was just a mile to the store. It wasn’t even the beer that distracted him from the road.

It was his phone! He just looked down for a moment.

But in that moment — the final straw came crashing down.

Now of course they were going to arrest him. He had been drinking — he couldn’t lie about it — they would know.

He is going to jail.

He’ll lose his license — his job — he can’t drive to work anymore — no license or car! The rent! He needed to work to pay the rent!

Would he be homeless — just like that?

And yes just like that — he could be.

Working in ministry I meet people everyday that walk the same thin line.

They all have stories and sometimes they just want someone to look them in the eye and listen — pray with them — and dare I say it?

Be Christ to them.

Regardless of whether or not they deserve it — None of us get what we really deserve — Jesus took care of that — and all He asks is that we pick up the slack till He returns.

So, why are you here?

For the exact same reason I am.

To be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.

The whole world — the entirety of it — the poor, the wealthy, the hurting, the happy, the homeless — Our friends, our family — the drunks that hit our cars — and yes even to ourselves — so Christ can continue to change the world.

God Bless!

Laus Deo Soli Deo Gloria

LaVern Vivio

Note; This Sunday installment may show up a bit early — we are on a mission in Papalote Mexico — we had to finish this one before we left.

Pray for success and safety! Thank you and God Bless! LaVern



LaVern Vivio
Autonomous Magazine

Christian wife and mother of four boys. Career long Broadcaster, speaker and author.