Good Morning Church! Did you get what you wanted for Christmas?

LaVern Vivio
Autonomous Magazine
5 min readJan 1, 2017

Or are you like so many across our nation that are so blessed that when someone asks what they should give you as a gift — you don’t know what to tell them — isn’t that crazy?

Many of us — maybe even most of us — have all we need and want and yet few of us realize just how blessed we are.

But that’s an entirely different post for another day.

And by the way — Happy New Year!

Today I want to talk about the next 365 days.

Are you like me?

At this time of the year does your mind move from one Christmas — one New Year — to the next?

Last week I wrote about a little boy who I did not know this time last year — none of those now most important to him even knew he existed this time last year.

This time last year he had not met his now mom and dad and little sister — or his grandma and great grandma — his aunts and uncles or his fun-loving cousins!

Because this time last year he was living a life of abuse and neglect like so many children across our nation and our world — this time last year his little mind could not comprehend how dramatically his life was about to change.


A year — a day — a moment — can change everything.

This time last year some were sick and now they are well — others are still struggling with illness as they receive diagnosis from the doctor they prayed they would never hear — and their battle continues.

Some had great jobs others were starting over.

Relationships were beginning — others ending.

This time last year there were people in our lives that have moved on.

Some have just relocated to other geographical locations— others have relocated beyond the veil.

For some 2016 will be a year that will change them forever.

For others it was a year carved into stone.

I had a year like that in 2012.

Both my husband and I lost our dads just two weeks apart — We both lost jobs and for awhile our ambition but we survived — not because of anything we did but because of what HE has done.

Even now the prospect of 2017 scares me half to death — my son is about to deploy — his job is dangerous — he is on the front line — and if I spend too much time thinking about it I can’t hardly stand it.

I have several people in my life facing health crisis and faith crisis that break my heart.

I am still looking for a job — well no that’s not true — I have a job — I actually have three of them — I’m looking for a career.

A job that will allow me to live life again and not just simply work all the time.

But the bottom line? Even with all the uncertainties I find as I anticipate 2017 — I am at peace.

It is not a place I came to easily.

The greatest sin I have committed my entire life is worry.

It’s a trait Christ warned us against time and time again yet for some reason until I found myself in a place of complete brokenness I could never understand what it meant to be at peace in the way God intended for us to be.

I was at peace only when the path I had mapped out seemed promising.

But as life will often do — the best paths — the best plans often go awry.

And if we have placed our trust in what we can do — in what we have stored up — or in the path we have paved and then suddenly the way is blocked or destroyed all together — we are left with nothing.

So if Christmas left you wanting — and wondering — and worrying this year. I hope you will use the year ahead to find a place of warmth and peace.

A peace so true that even the toughest years have no power over you.

A peace that allows you to face the unknown — the heartache — the joy — the triumph — and know — and believe — you can do all things through CHRIST!

Life is not easy — it was never intended to be;

  • but when we truly know!
  • that we know!
  • that we know! Christ is alive — And through HIM we have eternal life;
  • Then nothing!
  • Nothing!
  • Nothing! Can shake us — sway us — or overtake us! If we truly believe that neither life nor death nor angels or demons nor present or future can separate us from what we have because of JESUS CHRIST!

The thoughts I share in this Sunday blog sometimes are simply reflections on what is happening around us.

But I also try to walk you through the things that brought me to a rock solid faith that can not be shaken.

Because when you know!

  • That you know!
  • That you know! GOD is who HE says HE is and HIS SON walked among us — died and rose again.

It is in that truth — that understanding — you will find the peace that transcends all understanding and it will guard your heart and mind in CHRIST JESUS in the year and years to come!

Seek it! Find it! And HE will change everything!

Happy New Year!

God Bless

Laus Deo!

LaVern Vivio

January 1, 2017



LaVern Vivio
Autonomous Magazine

Christian wife and mother of four boys. Career long Broadcaster, speaker and author.