Good Morning Church! How are you using your talents?

LaVern Vivio
Autonomous Magazine
5 min readSep 25, 2016

But really before you can answer that question do you even know what they are?

We all have the obvious ones — the ones that come easy — but what about the ones we take for granted — the ones sitting under the surface of our souls; our intellect — our wisdom — the ability to discern and study and debate?

Have you ever really thought about those things as your talents?

And yes I mean in the context of the parable of the talents.

It’s a story most any Christian knows well. The one Christ used to illustrate what God thinks of those who don’t use what HE has blessed them with and the consequences for those who play it safe.

Let me explain;

Earlier this week I was caught up in a discussion about a mega church that spends mega money on their facility and makes no apologies.

Their belief is that money attracts money and that because of what they have built — they have the resources to do things they never could have possibly done if they were following the worship trend to meet in public spaces and private homes rather than large worship facilities.

The discussion we had regarding that theology is for another post / another time — but what I want to consider this morning is the little journey my mind traveled right after that conversation.

As I walked away from the discussion my mind wondered if the Mega Church had taken sides in the presidential race — a split second later I thought about how great it would be to activate such a crowd to the ‘right’ campaign or cause — and as I was thinking that thought it occurred to me how dangerous it would be if they activated for the wrong side and I immediately reasoned that is why we leave politics out of church and religion out of schools!

It’s safer!

Frances Chan is a wonderful minister and his lessons are some of my favorites — especially his Balance Beam lesson.

In the lesson Frances presents a brilliant visual to illustrate how we think we can play it safe yet still expect GOD to declare well done when our time is through.

Life is easier if we play it safe — sit on the fence — don’t make waves — keep things warm — not too hot — not too cold — except I kind of remember GOD not being a fan of that idea.

The notion of keeping religion out of schools and politics out of church is an appealing one. It keeps us from having to have difficult conversations with our kids — our friends — our church family.

No one likes getting caught up in a heated debate regarding our personal beliefs — it’s hard.

It’s especially hard if you can’t explain why you do what you do or believe what you believe.

The art of debate — discernment — and reason — were once skills taught in grammar school.

Children were taught at an early age to debate and study.

They were taught to use their intellect and wisdom to discern and reason.

Talents that have quickly become endangered due to hurt feelings / political correctness and inadequate educations.

In a matter of seconds after our mega church conversation earlier this week — I went from reasoning that we keep politics out of church and religion out of schools to make sure our loved ones aren’t exposed to something we might not agree with — to a realization that by doing so we rob them of the ability to learn one of the most essential skills they will need as they navigate life’s road.

What would our country look like if we truly began again — as they did when our country was founded — to take debate to the halls of our churches and schools?

  • Would we see a citizenship begin to care again?
  • To take an interest in making a difference and not just checking a box?

What will God say when we see HIM?

  • Will HE agree it was good to get prayer out of schools to keep our kids from being exposed to ‘the wrong prayer’?
  • To keep politics out of church so we don’t drive off large contributors or hurt someone’s feelings?

Or do you think HE will be more interested in how and if we used the talents of our soul to take a stand — defend HIS WORD and never shrink back from an opportunity to declare HIS WAY changes everything.

Talents come in all shapes, sizes — and quantities — but the talent to defend the cause of CHRIST is one we have to dig out — dust off and let shine.

Whether that cause is a prayer at a school event or a political debate in the halls of our churches. Knowing how to use our intellect and our wisdom ; and how to develope the ability to discern study and debate; may quite possibly be the talent that will allow us to return to being the country that literally turned the lights on for all of humanity and inspired the world instead of the global reality show we’ve become whose season is nearing its end.

God Bless

LaVern Vivio

September 25, 2016



LaVern Vivio
Autonomous Magazine

Christian wife and mother of four boys. Career long Broadcaster, speaker and author.