Good Morning Church! May 29, 2016;

Would Jesus Vote for Bernie Sanders?

LaVern Vivio
Autonomous Magazine
4 min readMay 29, 2016


A lot of people think so — and honestly I think it is a good idea to suppose, What would Jesus do? when we are considering who should be our next leader of the free world.

But I don’t think we should make a habit of assigning our political ideology to the Son of God. So political parties aside — when faced with casting a vote for someone to lead a nation like ours, What would Jesus Do?

First; to truly know what someone would or would not do — you have to know them.

So before we suppose WWJD

We have to know Him better — it’s as simple as that.

Does that mean we set everything involving a discerning thoughtful opinion in our lives aside until we complete a rigorous Bible study focused on the Son of God?

No — because I believe that no amount of study can give us everything there is to learn about Jesus Christ. You can study His life, His ministry — HIS SACRIFICE for your entire life and you will continually learn new things and gain new perspectives from a life that was so beautifully lived that it changed the world.

So where do we begin?

Where Christ tells us to start ;


Over and over throughout the New Testament Christ advises his followers to pray and He leads by example — - praying Himself on all occasions.

So, when you want to seek His guidance — first? Ask Him for it.

Talk to Him as you would anyone you seek counsel from.

  • Tell him what is going on.
  • How you feel about it.
  • Talk to Him about any confusion you might be having over the situation or in the case of an election season, any questions you might have about the options.
  • Then — Be Still — but be still with a Bible in you hand.

Turn the pages as you seek His guidance. Look up verses where Jesus prayed or the apostles prayed. Search theme’s and subjects pertaining to your concerns. Make notes and get to know Jesus better as you seek His guidance.

The thing is — as you study you will most likely find things in scripture that support both sides.

The parable of the talents supports accountability — productively — personal responsibility.

Matthew 24:14–30

In Luke 6:29–30 He tells us if someone ask for our coat to give them our shirt as well.

Luke wrote in Acts 2:45 about how the early Christians sold what they had and distributed the proceeds to all those who had a need but in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 the apostle Paul instructed those unwilling to work they should not eat.

So what’s the answer?

Would Jesus vote for Bernie Sanders?

I don’t know — I don’t think He would like any of the choices — like many of us I believe He would pray for better leadership but bottom line — I think He would vote for someone.

In John 14:9–11 Jesus told the apostles if you know Me then you know my Father. He made it very clear that He is a reflection of the Father. The same Father that grieved when the Children of Israel cried out for a king.

In 1 Samuel 8:11–18 He caution them that a king would want the best of all they have yet when it was all said and done — He gave them what they asked for — and his name was Saul.

So — I ask again — I ask myself — What would Jesus Do?

The only thing I know for sure is it would probably begin like this ;

Our Father Who Art in Heaven…

God Bless!

Laus Deo Soli Deo Gloria!

LaVern Vivio

May 29, 2016



LaVern Vivio
Autonomous Magazine

Christian wife and mother of four boys. Career long Broadcaster, speaker and author.