Good Morning Church — We have to stop lying to ourselves!

LaVern Vivio
Autonomous Magazine
2 min readOct 2, 2016

This past week I had the opportunity to talk with a very conservative, very sweet friend.

She is someone I highly respect — about 15 years older than me — very proper — very well spoken.

We’ve been discussing current events over the past year and as we now wrestle with the decision we have to make on November 8th she remarked,

“Well he is kind of growing on me — I guess I am getting used to him — I think I am starting to like him — he is such a scoundrel!”

I immediately responded, “No he was — has been — and still is a bully.”

And deep down I knew she agreed — she had said the same thing during the primary — but now with better ‘viable’ options no longer available she was trying to rationalize the lesser of the ‘two most probable' evils before us.

Soon the election — this election — will be behind us.

It’s too late to say should’ve / would’ve / could’ve.

It appears our next President will be one most of us are not very excited about.

I will vote — you should vote — I believe it is our duty as American citizens to vote — but cast your vote with an honest heart.

Don’t wrestle with God and try to convince yourself that truth is anything but the truth — as ugly as it may be.

Be honest about where we are — what we’ve done and who we have chosen to lead us.

Pray then vote and pray again;

  • Then look to GOD.
  • Resolve to change.
  • Listen for HIS direction.
  • HE will hear us.
  • HE will forgive us.
  • And HE will heal us.
  • As HE said HE would.

God Bless!

LaVern Vivio

October 2, 2016



LaVern Vivio
Autonomous Magazine

Christian wife and mother of four boys. Career long Broadcaster, speaker and author.