How to do install Wordpress Autoptimize

Red Near
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2019

With its help you can make smaller, compressed files from many files. It has a useful function, which can turn off Google fonts, and this will help reduce the number of files being loaded from external links.

It’s worth to use this, when you use a theme that looks good even without the Google font. If you need the Google font, don’t worry about this option.

To install Autoptimize select from the Plugins menu, Add New option, and write in the search bar Autoptimize. This plugins icon is a surfer, so it’s easy to find. Another option is downloading it from the extension storage, then uploading and installing it.

After you installed and activated it you can find Autoptimize at the Installed plugins page, where you have to select Settings to configure Autoptimize.

A very simple page will welcome you, where are three options are available, so first you need to click on Show Advanced Settings, so you can see various settings options.

At the JavaScript Option box you must select Optimize Javascript Code. There are more setting options here:

Aggregate JS-files: would you like to unite the JS files. You must pick this option.

Also aggregate inline JS: if you pick this option, you will quickly increase Autoptimize’s cache memory, so I don’t recommend using this.

Force Javascript in (head): this setting results in the javascript file going over the drive, which isn’t beneficial. You don’t have to tick this.

Exclude scripts from Autoptimize: here you can select which javascript files would you like to be excluded from the optimization. You will need this in the case, that due to the optimization something wouldn’t work on the website.

The slider isn’t working, or the mobile menu, the pictures aren’t showing up, etc. You can normally fix this, if you add to the exclusion the jquery.js file.

Add try-catch wrapping: this function is basically troubleshooting, if one of the javascript files aren’t working properly, you can try to activate this function.

