An AutoShark NFT explainer

Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2021

👋🏻 Hello Sharks

Rarity Levels of Snide Sharks (yes, our Sharks are called Snide Sharks) & Hammer are upgradeable through a combination of a 2xNFT from a lower rarity. Eg, 2x Common to get 1x Uncommon with a chance of success:

Each rarity is governed by a base upgrade integer, multiplied by the % success rate of each hammer depending on its rarity.

Common (C) — Base Integer: 100
Uncommon (UC) —
Base Integer: 80
Rare (R) —
Base Integer: 60
Epic (E) —
Base Integer: 40
Legendary (L)

The % success rate for each Hammer

Apprentice’s Hammer — 60% success rate
Journeyman’s Hammer — 80% success rate
Mastersmith’s Hammer — 100% success rate

Some examples:

Using an (UC) Apprentice’s Hammer on 2 x (UC) Sharks will yield an upgrade chance of 80 x 60% = 48%

Using a (R) Mastersmith’s Hammer on 2 x (R) Sharks will yield an upgrade chance of 60 x 100% = 60%

🦈 The Shark NFT Upgrading process (via Forge)

Summon Snide Shark here:

Combine 2x Snide Shark (C)+ 1x Apprentice’s Hammers (C) and get a 60% chance to 1x Snide Shark (UC)

Combine 2x Snide Shark (UC) + 1x Apprentice’s Hammers (UC) and get a 48% chance to 1x Snide Shark (R)

Combine 2x Snide Shark (R) + 1x Apprentice’s Hammers (R) and get a 36% chance to 1x Snide Shark (E)

Combine 2x Snide Shark (E) + 1x Apprentice’s Hammers (E) and get a 24% chance to 1x Snide Shark (L)

*Hammers are used to combine Snide Sharks but in the event the combination fails, the 2 Snide Sharks are returned to you but Hammer will be burnt.

Upgrade here:

⚡️ Upgrading the Hammer of Silent Sentinel

Apprentice’s Hammer (C)— 60% success rate for combination and upgrade of Snide Sharks. It is the main item used to upgrade your Sharks.

Summon Hammer here:

  • Combine 2x Apprentice’s Hammers (C)and get a 60% chance to 1x Apprentice’s Hammer (UC)
  • Combine 2x Apprentice’s Hammers (UC) and get a 60% chance to 1x Apprentice’s Hammer (R)
  • Combine 2x Apprentice’s Hammers (R) and get a 60% chance to 1x Apprentice’s Hammer (E)

Upgrade here:

