AutoShark’s first successful launchpad! 2.4x Oversub! 😱

Heartwarming support from our community members, you know who you are!

4 min readSep 18, 2021


In our first ever launchpad, we have raised ~$2million USD in a 239% oversubscription, which speaks to the strength of the amount of confidence that all you investors have in us!

For this, we would like to thank our awesome community for having believed in our project since the day we launched our first Yield Optimiser initiative. Also, we warmingly welcome the new sharkies that have just joined our ecosystem!

The team certainly promises to not disappoint, by pushing the boundaries for innovation within BSC to hopefully snag a place at being one of the top few DEFI projects (while placing a huge focus on security!).

The AutoShark platform now

It’s been 12 hours since $FINS was launched, and we’ve seen a 50% increase in token value, and that speaks to the strength of the belief that all you wonderful investors have in our project. Thank you for all the support towards the conception of our new AMM!

Naturally, with an AMM, we have launched 14 new farms that make up the foundation of a budding DEX. We’re pleased to announce that the new farms have a total locked-in value of $11mil USD currently, which brings our TVL to over $55mil USD, and we’re certainly seeing more inflow of funds gradually.

Just joined the $JAWS and $FINS ecosystem? Here’s what to expect!

This launchpad marks an inflection point for AutoShark, where the recent developments have brought about huge changes to AutoShark’s ecosystem. We think it’s important to assuage any concerns about our existing initiatives, while also sharing our grand plans for the future! Some of these hot topics include some of the following:

Existing initiatives

  1. Yield Optimizer Services ($JAWS) — You might have noticed in the past couple of weeks that more projects have joined us under our yield optimizing product. Our BDs are ready to reach out to offer such services!
  2. AMM/DEX ($FINS) — We will begin further initiatives to market our services to both new and existing projects.
  3. NFT ecosystem — Pushing further value for our NFT holders, we have a couple of programs that will make everyone want a piece of our Snide Sharks!

Future initiatives

  1. Trading fee rebates — Will be going online within the week. Enjoy 0 fee trading, far lower than any AMMs will offer.
  2. Trading competitions — These will come under community-building initiatives, to incentivize traders who push healthy volumes through our DEX.
  3. HODL pot — More details to be revealed!

Do Snide Sharks have a place in the new AMM?

Prior to the launch, we’ve promised that our NFTs will continue to play an important role in boosting and gamify our ecosystem. Needless to say, Snide Sharks can be applied to the farms to enjoy the boosts that we all love and treasure.

There is one important difference in the level of boosts that can be applied to farm vs vaults. Let’s have a look at the existing boosts for vaults:

We’re all used to seeing these numbers for NFT vault boosts, which applies to the 30% performance fees on yields that are given in $JAWS. This will result in a calculation that looks like this:

  • 1 common is 2% * 30% = 0.6% of the total harvest
  • 1 rare is 6% * 30% = 1.8% of the total harvest

However, if we apply this level of boost to farms, this will result in the increase of emissions over the entire farm (100% of yields), which drastically changes the effect of boost that we have intended. The boost when applied to the farms should not be on 100% of the yields.

The original intent has always been to peg it to an certain amount of farm emissions, but rest assured that you guys are not getting any lesser yields (than vaults) when your NFTs are equipped to the farm. Until then, we will continue to put our NFT holders on the pedestal for any future initiatives!

