An Auto Trader for everyone — our commitment to customer accessibility.

Natalie Crook
Auto Trader Workshop
3 min readNov 2, 2020
Image shows Purple Tuesday and Auto Trader’s logos alongside images of people with different disabilities.

Purple Tuesday is an annual event that showcases and celebrates the value of customers with disabilities and neurodiverse conditions.

Every year, businesses are encouraged to make a commitment towards improving their customer experience so that their websites, stores and business ventures are accessible to everyone. This could be anything from a site audit on website accessibility, to teaching employees how to use British Sign Language.

This year, we are celebrating Purple Tuesday by outlining our commitments to customer accessibility for the year ahead.

What is website accessibility?

Accessibility is the term used to describe whether something can be used by people of all abilities and disabilities. For example, a website is accessible if all people, including disabled, elderly and neurodiverse people can use it.

We can do this by making our content and design clear and simple enough so that most people can use it without needing to adapt it, while supporting those who do need to adapt things.

For example, someone with impaired vision might use a screen reader (software that lets a user navigate a website and ‘read out’ the content). Or someone with motor difficulties might use speech recognition software or an on-screen keyboard emulator.

Why are we supporting Purple Tuesday?

At least 1 in 5 people in the UK have a long-term illness, impairment or disability. Many more have a temporary disability.

Auto Trader’s Disability and Neurodiversity Network are passionate about making our organisation more inclusive for customers, colleagues and our communities. We appreciate that it is our differences that make us all so unique and special.

We know that accessibility at Auto Trader is a journey of continuous improvement. Participating in Purple Tuesday means that we, along with all of the other amazing organisations taking part, can commit to enhancing the customer experience for those with disabilities or neurodiverse conditions.

Our commitment

Over the next year we commit to:

· Widening knowledge about accessibility across the business by providing knowledge sharing sessions and training.

· Creating a more accessible experience for all customers, colleagues and consumers. ​

· Encouraging our teams to create new products as accessible from inception.

· Including a more diverse audience when conducting user research and product testing​ in an inclusive way.

By setting these commitments, we aim to highlight the importance of accessibility online. At Auto Trader, we see that having access to information is extremely empowering and believe it should be accessible for all.

What is classed as a disability?

Under the Equality Act 2010, you’re classed as having a disability if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.

People can be born with disabilities, but many acquire them over their lifetime. Disabilities can be permanent, temporary or situational and accessibility aims to accommodate everyone — from those born blind to those that can’t see their screen for the sun, for example.

What is neurodiversity?

The human brain can work in many different ways and interpret information differently.

While most people are neurotypical, meaning their brain functions in the way society expects, some brains work differently and are neurodiverse.

Neurodiversity includes Autism, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorders), Dyslexia and Dyspraxia among others. Accessibility tries to make sure everyone can access the same information and services, no matter how they process them.

How can you help?

If you have experienced any difficulty using the Auto Trader website or wish to provide feedback, please do so here using our feedback form.

Start your journey on Auto Trader today.



Natalie Crook
Auto Trader Workshop

Principal User Researcher at Auto Trader, STEM Ambassador and volunteer for LadiesThatUX MCR