Driven by Data — AT Design Talks

Chris Collingridge
Auto Trader Workshop
2 min readAug 17, 2021
AT Design Talks — Driven by data

Back in January 2021, our design team hosted our first AT Design Talks event, which featured a wide range of lightning talks by members of our design and research team. We covered a variety of topics around data, from the process of building out data visualisations for our customers, to how we use eye-tracking to understand the impact of information architecture on consumer scanning patterns.

You can learn more about the talks below, or watch them here:

AT Design Talks video

Natalie: “Improving Auto Trader’s mobile search experience”

For our consumers, the ability to be able to find the perfect car with ease is essential. That’s why, over the past year, we have been working on improving the search experience on our site. Natalie talks about the importance of research and our design and research team’s process to achieve this.

Matt: “Design by numbers”

Conversions rarely — if ever — occur on a whim. Usually they are a layered process that leads users to their goal or objective. This process, dubbed “the conversion funnel”, is at the heart of many commercial interactions — so much so that businesses measure their success against how many people they can convert through the funnel, and Auto Trader is no different. Using Auto Trader’s consumer-facing vehicle appraisal tool as an example, this talk will discuss the ins, the outs, and the weirds of funnel design.

Nathan: “Simplifying a clunky email set”

A platform migration can provide many opportunities to improve current systems and processes. In this case, it’s our email set. Nathan talks about how we condensed 50+ emails into nine, simplifying and rebranding them in the process.

Warren: “How we created a data visualisation language for our users”

For our customers, data is essential in understanding the various aspects of their performance, such as the impact of an advert change, or how their business operates on Auto Trader. Warren talks about how we created a data visualisation language that helps our users understand this data, from data personas and principles, through chart selections and colours.

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Chris Collingridge
Auto Trader Workshop

I battle with tech, sometimes professionally. One of @nuxuk. Lots of attention to detail for interaction design; none for DIY. These are my personal views.