A letter to our Stakeholders

Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2018

A letter to our Stakeholders regarding the Core Values of autoXchange

We all know we have to work. It’s more than just the activity that puts money into our bank accounts. If I look at a calendar and take any given day of any given week from any given month, what I’ve actually done is sold that calendar spot for a day’s wages. If I’m going to do that, I need to bring the best every day that I possibly can.

Lots of people in lots of companies around the world do that every day. What’s the difference? So the next part of the equation is to value those who make this effort. It helps when you have a set of core values everybody understands and adheres to. At autoXchange ours are made up of the following six:

· Results ‘driven’; substance over flash

· Treat colleagues like friends and family

· Passion for ‘our work’ — continually looking at making things better

· Full disclosure and transparency to all stakeholders.

· Committed to ‘excellence’

· Remarkable Support

Each one of these values could be an article by itself. However, when we’re doing something at work, either for a customer or for a colleague, we often check to make sure it aligns with these values.

It’s important to want to come out on top. Ask any young sportsman and they will tell you winning feels great! More importantly, when you’re winning because of your passion and commitment to greatness, knowing the results have been fully disclosed, all while treating others as friends and family, you feel amazing.

Not every effort is an out-of-the-park success so it’s important to remember the step of being a valued team member. When you don’t achieve what you set out to do, acknowledge it and learn from it.

Richard Brown, CEO and Founder of autoXchange

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