Blockchain Live 2018 recap

Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2018

Once again, autoXchange was present at another important event, this time, it was Blockchain Live 2018, which took place in London on the 26th of September.

Some of the highlights include, the panels with Sally Eaves, one of autoXchange’s advisors, where a range of topics were discussed, from AI and IOT to Ethics.

The team was also able to meet with some influential and noteworthy people within the technology and blockchain sphere.

Bellow are some photos taken by the team.

Philip Thompson, autoXchange Co-founder and COO being interviewed
Philip with Elliott Callender from Nodeunlock
Philip with Matthew Jones, member of IBM Blockchain team
Philip with Dr. Naseem Naqvi, President and Co-Founder of The British Blockchain Association

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