It’s Important For Me To Write About Love. Here’s Why

Monisha Sen
Autumn’s August
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2021
Photo by Hatham on Unsplash

A few months ago, a friend of mine pointed out that I usually write about love and God. Now that I think about it, it’s true. Even though I believe that my stories are spread across various topics and genres, the underlying theme for most of them would be love and God. And very rightly so.

One cannot be without the other. I feel loved by God and therefore, I want to love the people in my life. It’s not always possible to do so but I try and I hope.

The last few months have been really draining for me. I’ve felt like I’ve been pushed to my limits. I’ve been tested for my patience and was on the brink of collapsing. Yet every time I felt like writing about it and sharing it with people, something stopped me. One time I even came close to hitting publish on the piece.

If you’ve read any of my stories before, you’ll know that they’re raw and true. I write what I’m feeling and unfortunately, that’s a mark of a poor writer. If I want to be taken seriously, I should be able to write about anything anytime. I guess.

I think why I don’t talk about the bad things and harshness of reality is because you don’t need me to. You already see it daily in your own life and probably around you as well. Even though I don’t feel happy at times, I choose to write about happiness. Even when I don’t feel motivated, I choose to write about overcoming obstacles. Even when I don’t feel loved, I choose to write about cherishing love.

There are times in everybody’s life when we can’t see a way out. During that time, whenever I come across something, a story, a piece of music, a movie, and it brings a smile to my face, that’s when I feel extremely grateful towards the person who created it. That is the reason why I choose to write about the good part of life because the 3 minutes you give to my story should bring a smile on your face. If not that, it should at least make you feel understood and at peace.

In Greek Mythology, in the story of the creation of mankind, Prometheus (one of the Titans), made sure men got all the good things, such as fire and the good part of the animal sacrificed to the Gods. Zeus (God of the Sky and Thunder; often called ‘the supreme ruler’) was unhappy with this and thus, he introduced a great evil for men, a woman- Pandora. Pandora, the first woman on earth, from whom the race of women comes, was the evil that was meant to wreak havoc in men’s lives.

A story about Pandora is that her nature wasn’t the evil, rather her curiosity. The Gods had presented her with a box in which each had put in a harmful thing and forbade her from opening it ever. Curiosity got the best of her and she opened the box when she came to earth. It unleashed all the evils on earth, such as plague, mischief and sorrow. However, there was one good thing in that box- Hope. And to this day, hope is the one good thing that fuels our will to live.

Hope is the reason I choose love. Whenever I come across something nice and heart-warming on a crappy day, I feel hopeful that maybe tomorrow, or maybe someday, I’ll be happy. And that feeling is what gets you through life, hoping that when you wake up tomorrow, it’ll be a fresh start.

