Does One Size Fit All : VC Perspective

Kanuj Jadwani
Auxano Capital
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2024

The vibrant and dynamic landscape of startups thrives on innovation, each venture uniquely positioned with specific needs and objectives. To suggest that venture capital (VC) operates with a “one size fits all” mentality not only undermines this reality but hinders both investors and startups alike.

While the allure of casting a wide net and funding every promising idea exists, true success in VC partnerships lies in tailored strategies. Recognizing that each startup operates within its own distinct growth trajectory, industry landscape, and risk profile is paramount.

Consider, for instance, a seed-stage wealthtech startup navigating regulatory complexities. They require a VC with deep industry knowledge and the ability to navigate complex compliance processes. This is where a VC firm like Auxano Capital with seasoned industry professionals, (former executives with regulatory expertise), transcends mere capital provision. We become partners in the journey.

Conversely, a Series C e-commerce company experiencing rapid scaling might prioritize an investor who brings expertise in building efficient logistics networks and navigating rapid expansion challenges. Auxano, with its focus on pre-Series A and Series A investments, understands the critical early growth phase and tailors its support accordingly.

But VC support extends beyond mere expertise. At Auxano, we emphasize financial prudence, a virtue often overlooked in the midst of the startup boom. We guide our portfolio companies towards sustainable financial models, responsible spending, and prioritizing profitability alongside growth.

Remember the dot-com bubble — a stark reminder of the dangers of uncalled exuberance.

Auxano’s commitment to responsible growth has served both us and our portfolio companies well, as exemplified by our investment in a revolutionary cloud-based data management platform.

In 2020, we recognized the potential in this platform not just for its innovative technology but also for its focus on cost-efficiency and responsible resource allocation. This resonated with our philosophy of sustainable growth.

Instead of a generic capital injection, we collaborated with the promoters also on strategy in the growth process. Today, the platform thrives as a leading player in the market, a testament to the collaborative VC approach.

The “one size fits all” mentality simply doesn’t translate to success in venture capital. At Auxano, we believe in crafting bespoke investment strategies. We don’t offer generic solutions; we become true partners, leveraging our industry expertise, financial acumen, and tailored support to help each startup carve its unique path to success. If you’re a pre-Series A or Series A company seeking a VC who truly understands your vision and challenges, let’s talk. We might just be the perfectly tailored fit you’ve been searching for.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please consult with a qualified professional before making any investment decisions.

Ashish Padiyar



Kanuj Jadwani
Auxano Capital

I love how everything is soo inter connected, writing about Venture Capital, Startups, Technologies, Government Regulations, Food & Lifestyle.