Marketing your Podcast

Kristie Calhoun
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2019

After your podcast is created, how do you get it out there? How do you market your show, get your brand recognized in the podcasting industry and ultimately grow your business through this platform?


Start by getting your podcast on as many platforms as possible. Apps such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify are where most people go to discover new podcasts and return to listen to new episodes. If you are not on these apps, you will have a hard time getting your podcast discovered.


Having guests on your show is not only a way to diversify your content and keep listeners engaged, but it is also a way to promote your podcast. Invite guests who are relevant in your specific industry and will get listeners excited to hear those episodes. When guests are on your show, ask them to share that episode within their sphere of influence.

Buffer suggests sending your guest a message on the day their episode goes live with easy to share media such as images, links and quotes.

In addition to having guests on your show, you can reach out to be a guest on other shows. This gives you the chance to get your name, business and podcast out to a different listening audience, while also building partnerships in the podcasting industry.


Create a website for your podcast or add a menu link to your business’ existing website. Potential clients, listeners, partners, etc. need a place they can go to specifically find your new episodes or more information about your show. The website component could include show notes, episode descriptions, high quality show art and information about the host(s) or guests on the show. Connecting your business site and your podcast will help generate traffic for both, ultimately bringing in more business and awareness of your company. During your show, you can direct listeners to this site instead of a general podcast app. That way when they are ready to learn more about your company, they are already in the right spot.

You can also transcribe your podcast or turn the topics into written content for a blog on your website.


Creating a social media account specifically for your podcast is another useful way to further market your show. If your company already has a social media site you can link them to each other. Share your podcast on social media through several different means such as sound bites, photos, graphics, videos, etc.. Content for these posts might look like announcing when new episodes, sharing behind the scenes, getting feedback on new topics and engaging with listeners.

Ask yourself this: are you investing in podcasting to grow your reach and discover new customers, or are you doing it to enhance trust and connection among your existing audience? This crucial distinction will help you determine how you should promote your show.

  • Growing your reach: This goal is similar to marketing a consumer podcast. You will utilize social media, google/facebook/IG ads, Amazon promoted results, appear on complementary podcasts, etc.
  • Enhancing trust: This means integrating your podcast into every other element of your marketing — Omnichannel. Make the campaign(s) on your website tie into the content on your blog, videos, and social media. Your podcast should then take those topics and themes and go deeper. Your audience can think of the podcast as the #BTS content that “only they get to hear.” You can be less scripted and more intimate on a podcast. Be human, be vulnerable and be open. In a world where every company is fighting for the attention of individuals, show them you are real, authentic and consistent.

“One of the most important aspects of customer experience is trust. Customers simply don’t want to do business with a company they can’t trust.” (Forbes)


Encourage employees to subscribe to your podcast. Encourage them to share new podcast episodes on their personal social media sites from time to time to generate more traffic and reach an audience your business is not already reaching.

If your business has a newsletter, utilize that as an additional platform to announce new episodes, share episode descriptions and more.

Marketing your podcast is really just an extension of your company’s current marketing efforts. Integrate it into your content calendar and strategic marketing plans so it can amplify and extend everything else you do. Don’t treat it as this side project that doesn’t connect to the rest of your marketing; think of it as a way to enable your customers and fans to continue to connect with your brand in a different way than other media allows. Podcasting lets you use the same brand and voice your business is already using and reach your audience on a completely new platform. By giving a little time and attention to marketing the podcast itself, you will see that not only are you gaining more relevancy with your current audience, but gaining new customers as well.

