What else goes in to writing a podcast?

Kristie Calhoun
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2019

When creating a podcast, it seems obvious to spend time developing the main content for each episode, but just as important are the other segments of an episode: the intro, opener, closer, outro and call-to-action. It may seem like a simple task, but you will most likely find it actually takes some time to think through. This article will break down each of the segments, explaining what they are and what they should contain.

Intro: The introduction is what welcomes listeners to your show as a whole. Think of it as a theme song or opening credits to your favorite TV show. The intro to your show should be brief. This is an important element of your show because, this is the first thing listeners hear, it could either cause them to want to continue listening, or cause them to look for something else to switch to. The intro sets the scene for your listeners. We recommend recording the intro once and using the same one each time. Reusing the same intro is helpful for you and your listeners. You can spend time creating a solid script that really encompasses the core of your show. Once you record this, you’ll be able to use it over and over, without having to spend time re-recording with every episode. In addition, it provides consistency for your listeners. Within your intro, you should include: podcast name, the host’s names and an explanation of your podcast. Within your intro, you could include the purpose or mission of your podcast. It is also common to have music mixed speech.

Opener: The opener is what welcomes listeners to a particular episode. While your intro is for your show as a whole, the opener is geared toward each individual episode. Within the opener, it’s good to re-introduce yourself and the show. Perhaps give the episode name and number for context and then give a brief overview of what’s to come during that episode. This allows the listener to know what to expect over the next several minutes and gauge if it will be worth their time. It’s important that your opener is compelling and exciting so that people will want to continue on with that episode.

Closer: The closer is specific to that episode In the same way that the opener is. This is the time to wrap up the episode, to give those last valuable points and leave something for the listeners to take away. It’s the time to share the moral of that story, or bring it to a close. You could thank your guest for being on the show and plug their podcast, company, website, etc.. The closer of your podcast is important to leave a lasting impression on your listeners. It is your last chance to give them something that will cause them to want to come back. During your closer, you can also remind listeners where to find that episode’s notes and links.

Outro: The job of the outro is essentially to close the show. This is a good chance to remind your listeners to like and subscribe to your podcast, and to ask feedback. If they stayed until the end, there is a good chance they enjoyed the episode, so they’d be more likely to leave a positive review.

Call-to-Action (CTA): This is your opportunity to ask the listener to do something. You should only do one CTA per episode. If you give someone too much to do, the chances are they won’t do any of it, so just pick one and be clear about it. Some CTA examples could be: Subscribe to the podcast, share the podcast, rate/review the podcast, sign up for your email list, download your ebook, buy tickets for your event or conference, support you on Patreon, or pledge to your crowdfunding project.

Teaser: A teaser is a “cold open” in TV parlance. It’s a quick opening statement or question to draw the listener in before the Intro and get them excited for the rest of the episode.

This post was written by Auxbus, the first end-to-end audio platform designed to eliminate the obstacles that stand in the way of creating a podcast. Auxbus makes audio creation fast, easy and fun. Learn more and try it for yourself by visiting Auxbus.com

