7 Blockchain Career Opportunities

Blockchain Lab India
Auxesis Group
Published in
5 min readOct 31, 2018

The Blockchain domain is one of the fastest growing domain in terms of Industry growth and employment generation. The job of developing blockchain distributed ledgers for businesses was recently ranked first among the top 20 fastest-growing job skills — and postings for workers with those skills grew more than 200% last year.
Indeed.com, one of the biggest job portals in the world, published some interesting statistics regarding the rise of Blockchain jobs. It looks like the number of blockchain jobs increased from December 2016 to December 2017 by a staggering 207%. But that’s not the end of it. According to the stats, this number has increased by, a scarcely believable 631% since November 2015.

Upwork, global freelancing website ranks Blockchain as the fastest growing skill amongst over 5000 other skills listed on it.

Blockchain Technology is a decentralized distributed ledger technology which is believed to be as revolutionary as the internet.
This new age technology is poised to generate millions of job opportunities worldwide in the years to come. The top seven blockchain-related jobs in the current times include:

  1. Blockchain Interns
    Old school software developers looking for a career switch or fresh IT graduates keen on getting in the new age technology can start with this position and rise up the rank over time. Blockchain Trainees or Interns have the advantage to understand how blockchain works and what future it holds from the inside of this elite community. The duties for interns can vary, but might include designing and developing blockchain distributed ledgers based on both proprietary blockchain and open-source platforms, such as Linux. Entry-level positions will also likely include developing blockchain pilots and proofs of concept, as most companies are only in the test phases for DLT solutions. Blockchain trainee on an average are paid $15 to $20 for an hours work.
  2. Blockchain Developer
    Blockchain developers probably have the most robust career opportunities in the industry right now. Financial companies, banks, government organizations, insurance and technology companies want to develop their blockchain platforms to provide better service for clients and to optimize how their businesses are run. But before companies are able to use blockchain technology to increase efficiency and speed, platforms and programs must be created by developers.
    Required skill set might include :
    Microsoft SQL Server, Visual Studio, .NET, MVC, AJAX, SQL, C, C++, C#, Javascript, Node.js, JQuery, SOAP, REST, FTP, HTML, XML, XSLT, XCOD, Neural-networks, Regression, Agile Scrum, MYSQL.
    The average paycheck of a blockchain developer is 10% to 15% greater than that of a software developer.
  3. Blockchain Project Manager
    A project manager is the source of communication between a blockchain developer and the concerned party. A project managers converts company’s needs into technical language, and then from the blockchain developers’ language back into regular English.
    A project manager is required to have a prerequisite knowledge on required programming languages with added understanding on market dynamics.
    On an average, a Project Manager may get proportionate to 10% hiked pay to that of a developer plus an incentive structure may be put in place on successful completion of the project.
  4. Blockchain Legal Consultant & Attorney
    With progressive research in Blockchain, there has been a stupendous rise in the number of Blockchain Startups aiming to mobilize blockchain-enabled solutions. Companies are increasingly looking for legal expertise on what they need to consider as they launch blockchain technologies with implications for how business and finance are handled, transactions are tracked and confirmed, as well as how identity is managed. The stigma linked to blockchain technology due to the indecisiveness over crypto regulations makes it necessary to have a legal consultant before launching crowdfunding activities.
    Moreover, as blockchain finds its way into business applications, the importance of partnership deeds makes it vital for a blockchain firm to have an in-house attorney to address the same.
  5. Blockchain Business Analyst & Development
    With the level of disruption Blockchain technology is poised to bring and with the speed at which blockchain technology is developing or advancing, it makes it vital for a company to gauge its industry competitiveness which justifies the demand for analysts in the blockchain domain.
    Business development is a basic requirement of all the companies in order to find productive partnerships and alliances to reach out to in order to get a progressive check on the developments.
  6. Blockchain Content Marketeer
    As the saying goes, ‘content is to marketing practices as speech is to mankind’. With the advent of Blockchain technology in mainstream industries, it is necessary for a blockchain firm to have appropriate content published from its end to educate its community on its advances.
    As Blockchain still lingers in the grey in terms of regulatory compliance and audit, a company’s growth and importance is gauged by its public dialogue and the clarity sought by the community members needs to be addressed in an appropriate way. The pre-requisite for blockchain-related content-eers is sound theoretical knowledge in the blockchain domain along with the basic requirements of a content marketeer.
  7. Blockchain Tutor/Instructor

As the elite move towards adopting Blockchain technology, literacy among the general mass is still low. This need of Blockchain literacy has enabled several institutions to charter and establish blockchain related courses thereby the demand for blockchain tutors and experts are on the rise. It is necessary to impart sound knowledge to the upcoming generation of blockchain in order to carry out progressive developments in the ever evolving blockchain domain.

The blockchain technology continues to stride up the beanstalk at the top of which lies the next generation of Industrial revolution. This evolving technology has created abundant job opportunities with its wide range of application use cases which in the coming times, is believed to go in one way trajectory — north.
The Advanced Blockchain Course is a stand-out course on Blockchain where candidates will be trained on the real world implementation of Blockchain enabled solutions.

The application form for the Certification course is available here.



Blockchain Lab India
Auxesis Group

India's first Blockchain lab in collaboration with top research institutes in country. http://blockchainlab.co.in #Blockchain #Bitcoin #India #Research