Coding Blockchain — Top 5 Programming Languages

Blockchain Lab India
Auxesis Group
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2018

Blockchain, a globally distributed decentralized database which is cryptographically secured and consensus checked to create a ‘trust-free’ ecosystem. Blockchain, according to the blockchain community, has the potential to be as revolutionary as the internet. Coding your own Blockchain requires adept knowledge and hands-on experience in various programming languages.

To initiate coding in Blockchain, it is essential to understand what makes a genesis ‘Block’, i.e.; the first block in the chain of blocks known as Blockchain.

What does a simple block consists of?

Each block has the following features to maintain the integrity of the Blockchain Network in consideration.

  • Index: It assigns a number to each block in order to keep track on the length of the chain.
  • Timestamp: It is an essential feature which notes the time of creation of each block. Any data once stored on the Blockchain, owing to its immutability feature, cannot be tampered or edited. Hence time stamping the block is of utmost importance to realise several business applications of Blockchain Technology.
  • Data: Any piece of information stored or exchanged in the block will be permanent. The data for its authenticity undergoes consensus check, after which the creation of new block is initiated.
  • Hash: Hash of the previous block as well as that of the current block makes an essential part of the block. Hashing is basically an algorithmic conversion of any amount of input data to a fixed amount of output data. Hashing is an essential feature in Blockchain management. Mining in the blockchain involves working on these hash functions which is essential authentication factor in the blockchain.
  • Digital Signatures — Each block created has a creator and its recipient which assign the public and private key to a block enabling its access. Digital Signatures and Hashing form the backbone of the blockchain technology.

Now let’s look at the top 5 languages used to code a Blockchain.

  1. C++
    C++ is a general-purpose programming language. It has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features, while also providing facilities for low-level memory manipulation. It essentially wraps data in the form of objects and sends it across to the recipient with the output. Since the core use of blockchain is in the similar format, it is one of the most significant languages for working this out in the blockchain. Many believe of this language to be entirely redundant in comparison to others, but the fact is that it is easy to learn and apply in several formats.
  2. Java
    The platform independent Java language is primarily used in website designing as it is easy to connect the link between blocks of information. Creating the relationship between the data and sending it across to the user is more convenient with the use of Java language.
    The platform independency ideally means anyone can run the code from anywhere in the world using the Java runtime environment.
  3. Python
    Python was created by a Dutch programmer named Guido van Rossum in 1991 realizing a goal to create a simple and minimalistic programming language. The vision of the developer is clearly reflected in the python syntax and logic. Python owing to this simplicity is one of the top ranked languages for software and web development. Blockchain developers are using Python extensively in order to ease the complexities involved in this new age technology making it one of the most important languages in the list.
  4. Solidity
    Smart contracts, which form the foundation truth for Blockchain applications in real world, is popularly written using contract-oriented programming language known as Solidity. At present, Solidity is the primary language on Ethereum as well as on other private blockchains running on platforms that compete with Ethereum.
  5. Ruby
    Ruby is a dynamic, interpreted, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto in Japan. . The versatility of the language enables its user to use a heady mix of languages in order to create a solid hack resistant blockchain. Moreover, its large worldwide acceptance comes due to its customizability according to a user’s requirements.

Blockchain Technology is revolutionizing the way data and assets are exchanged and stored. It is revolutionizing several business operations which has made organizations explore the potential of this evolving technology. For a developer or tech enthusiast, the time is right to get started with the Blockchain Technology.

To know about the Advance Blockchain Certification Course, offered by IIM, Lucknow and Blockchain Lab, India — CLICK HERE.



Blockchain Lab India
Auxesis Group

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