Fairy Fire: Come Winter’s End

Chapter 1: Fate’s Hand

Avana Lilly
Ava’s Notebook
Published in
14 min readFeb 23, 2021


Place: Emberfrost Castle,
Timberest, Siog Rioght
Date: Eanáir 2, (January) 1618
The wee hours of the night

Sitting out on the balcony of her room, Miri tried to process everything that had happened. The cold chill of winter stung her nose and cheeks, making them rosy. That bitter smell of dark magic still hung thick in the snow-filled air. Her mind roamed through the chaotic events of the past 24 hours.

How in just that short amount of time everything had changed. Her life was no longer what it had been. She couldn’t stay hidden anymore, quietly kept within the safe confines of the castle.

Now the whole kingdom knew her secret. Well at least everyone who was at the New Year’s celebration anyway. As the girl had managed to out herself, dark magic and all, in a proper fashion before most of Timberest.

She had no regrets though. It was the only way to save West, King Brogan, Lady Elda, and Flynn. There was no other choice, they couldn’t have survived a direct hit from that beam blast.

Maybe if they had some warning of the attack. The castle guard and troops could have handled it, but as the scene unfolded they were caught off guard and undermanned. There was so much devastation. The castle square was destroyed. She looked down at what was left.

As the wind picked up Miri could hear remnants of the festival decorations below flap loudly in the harsh breeze. Half-strung lumi lights and torn banners hung from destroyed booths, rattling and turning as the wind blew.

There was the loud clip-clop stomp of the palace guards and army troops echoing through the empty courtyard as their boots crushed the snow. Looking down she watched the patrols, their tall hats, and cloaks decorated with the king’s insignia.

The small bright multi-color lights of the soldiers’ Lumi’s followed them. Only those with the strongest magic have these little light beings appear to them. From the sight she saw in the courtyard there must have been hundreds of them.

Brogan had called out his strongest soldiers from throughout the kingdom. She could hear the medics moving the injured through the grounds. They had healed so many but there was an untold number who still needed help. The casualty count was high.

She recalled how she always told, “Fairies, don’t fight.” Today’s events, however, proved they were wrong.

“Where had this idea come from anyway.” she thought. “We are the race selected to be the keeper of the flames. The sole purpose of that power is to fight to keep the world safe.” Everyone knows “The legend of the Fairy Fire.” She remembered one stanza.

“Those fated with this magic’s might,

Must keep the peace, but born to fight

Only a fae can follow this path,

Balance light’s love and darkness’ wraith.”

See it clearly states it’s right there in legend. Born to fight! But after 350 years most fairies were starting to think the last keeper was indeed the last keeper.

Miri didn’t believe this to be true though.

She had heard the castle sages and the king arguing about it back in mid-Samhain. The sages were all in a fuss, saying all the signs are pointing to a rebirth of the Ancient Darkness and the return of the Keeper.

This darkness was the reason the elders of olden times had created the Fairy Fire. A spell born entity that combined all magic. It remains hidden, a bright blue flame that draws out the fate chosen who is destined to carry its indescribable power.

With the help of the first Keeper, the ancients had imprisoned the darkness in a cast stone. Its seal is said to last 5,000 years or so, according to the legends. Now the castle sages are saying that time was almost up.

After what all unfolded today it seems they are right. Something terrible is coming and soon. Miri thought back to the conversation she overheard weeks ago.

Place: Outside the King Brogan’s office, Emberfrost Castle, Timberest

Date: Mid Samhain Late-night hours, 1617

“Keep this worry to yourselves. We don’t need a panic spreading throughout all of Siog Riocht.” King Brogan commanded.

Their shadows danced playfully in the flickering fireplace light.

“More panic is not something the people needed right now, especially so soon after the sleeping sickness swept through the kingdom. Besides we have no idea how soon it could happen. It is just an old book of prophecy and warnings.” His majesty continued reading the prophecy aloud.

“Beware of ambers lights falling

in frosty autumn skies,

If in the same year they fall.

before spring’s moon’s 1st rise, “

“Your highness you have to put the country on high alert. The amber lights have already fallen once this year, 3 days before the rise of spring’s 1st moon. I implore you, please take precautions. For the safety of us all.’’ Grand Elder Telfrin tried to convince the king.

“Look I know that all these recent signs have you and all the wisemen in the world round in a tither. But I will not start a panic amongst my people. It would do more harm than good.” He pinched the bridge of his nose as if he hoped it would release some tension.

“For now, I will keep the army posted at a higher threat alert and start stockpiling food, weapons, and medical supplies. I will not however start pandemonium.” The king was very firm.

“But your majesty we must do..” Elder Telfrin started but the king interrupted.

“But what Telfrin, do what? Brogan raised his voice, he had tired of the conversation.

“Let’s be completely honest if you gentlemen are correct and it is the return of this ancient evil, there’s not a damn thing you or I can do about. We both know only the Keeper can stop it and we don’t have one of those at this moment.” Brogan’s voice gained volume.

“This leads me to believe either your assumptions are incorrect or to be quite frank about it, we are all doomed.” He slammed his hands on his desk startlingly Miri, making her jump.

She had never heard the light-hearted king be so serious. His majesty had spoken his final words on the subject.

His shadow hung its head. Elder Telfrin’s did the same. He stepped forward “Have faith, your majesty, when we need the Keeper they will come.” Placing a hand on Brogan’s shoulder.

“I am none too happy with the thought that the fate of my kingdom rests on ancient riddles and some non-existent savior,” he said sitting down in his chair with a slump, his crown fell a little.

That was all she had heard that night while sneaking out to practice her newest ability. If she had known then what she knew now she would have practiced longer.

Place: Miri’s Balcony, Emberfrost

Date: Still Eanáir 2, the wee hours of the morning.

“Princesa what are you doing out here in this cold night air.” West rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

His voice snapped Miri out of her memories. He put his cloak around her shoulders and set down beside her putting the blanket he had over both their legs. She could feel his warmth, West was always warm, it was his fire magic.

“You should be resting West, your arm is still mending and your ribs too.” she scolded him a little.

“Don’t worry about me mi Querida, I’m fine, it’s just a scratch,” he told her with a smile, but she could tell from the way he winced a little leaning back in the chair it was still hurting him.

She could see in replay how hard a hit he had taken and it made her cringe.

“You were amazing today.” he nudged her. “Haha, I swear I could hear the king’s jaw hit the ground when you cast that electric fog. The look on his face when he saw you in the center of it, that was priceless, and damn both sides stopped fighting when you did that redirect. It was like I had done full-time freeze magic.” West smiled, trying to cheer her up.

He knew she was worried. Everyone knew about her dark magic now. Miri smiled back at him a little.

“No, it was your time stops that saved us all West, you and Lord Eldhigh.” He puffed up with pride as she complimented him.

“Yeah, I was pretty awesome. It’s what I do.” He smirked, full of that Bercelo confidence. At that, she had to giggle. “If only our army had your confidence they would be unstoppable.”

He ran his hands through his wavy blonde hair and winked at her “I know.” She laughed and put her head on his shoulder.

“Hey don’t you worry about anything Princesa, everything is going to be ok. We’re safe now. Anyone who has an issue with your magic can take it up with me and all of Elvenguard.” He nodded down at her. “You saved King Brogan, hell the whole kingdom. Had you not been there and did what you did this palace would be under a different flag tonight.”

She looked at him “I don’t regret what I did. There wasn’t any other choice. I just wonder what will happen next.”She sighed.

“The King owes you his life my dear” Lady Elda entered the balcony. Even exhausted, she still stood tall and graceful, even her white-blonde hair remained perfectly in place. She walked towards the worried fairy and put a hand on her left shoulder. She sounded tired and worn from the day’s events.

Miri and West looked up as they heard her speak.

“I told her that as well. Brogan and Timberest both are in her debt.” He agreed.

“Did you see the way they looked at me when the fight was over? I saw their faces, the fear. The way everyone stepped away from me when we went back to heal the soldiers. How they pulled from me when I tried to help them.” Miri replied in a muted tone as she stared down blankly lost in the memories.

“Who did?” West asked an angered look in his eyes. After all, she had sacrificed how dare anyone treat his Princesa that way.

“The soldiers, the guardsmen, the fairies in the crowd. Elders Brodie and Telfrin wouldn’t even let me mend them. They looked at me like I was a monster. Master Brodie helped train me to heal since I was a child and even he doesn’t trust me now.” She looked away towards the courtyard.

West stood with a wince. “Well looks like he and I need to have a talk. You saved their asses too, both were hiding behind me and Brogan when the beam blasted at us. He would be dead right now if it wasn’t for you.” The prince headed for the door.

Miri took his uninjured arm “No, West it won’t help now.”

He stopped and shook his head. “Chingado idiotas, malagradecidos!.”

Elda leaned against the chair arm. “You forgot cowardly, Brodie is scared of his own damn shadow.” Her face showed her disgust.

“He’s a bloody git.” Flynn appeared in the doorway.

“For once we agree,” West responded.

“You did great out there lassie.” Her guardsmen patted Miri’s shoulder.

“Thanks, Flynn.” She smiled at him. She held her head down. Trying hard not to think about Teig and how he was the last time she saw him. She was trying so desperately to heal him when the soldiers came for her. They were escorting her to her apartment for confinement. It was for her protection she was told. Everyone knew it was basically house arrest.

She had held them off with a forcefield until Hamish came to get her, taking her hand, the prince walked her to the room himself. As to show she had the crown’s gratitude and support. “I’m sorry Lass until father wakes up I have no choice.”

She felt a hand touch hers snapping her out of the flashback. He leaned down to her. “You did everything you could do, I know how hard you were fighting for him. You are the reason he is still hanging on.”

Miri looked up at him with relief and hope. Putting her hand over his. They nodded at each other in condolence.

Flynn cleared his throat, “You did well also Bercelo. I was surprised, maybe you aren’t just some pretty boy prince.” He slapped the prince on his back.

The Guard tried to joke but his face easily showed the worry he had for his brother.

“I have many sides.” West shrugged, “All of them pretty.”

Flynn shook his head. Elda and Miri chuckled.

“So I’ve been surveying the crowd in the war room. It’s bad, total chaos. The sages are in a frenzy, the generals are panicked. Between the attack and Miri here’s wee surprise. They are beside themselves.” Flynn lightly pulled his auburn hair, clearly frazzled. “Seems Telfrin thinks ye might have something to do with the prophecies. “A teachdaire Dorcha” is the only option according to Lord Leary and Elder Brodie. I don’t know what the hell that is but it doesn’t sound good.”

Dorcha! West and Miri looked at each other, they remembered that name from the library scrolls.

Her heart dropped to her stomach and the air seemed to get too thick to breathe.

“There’s no way she’s the Dorcha.”The prince said with angered confidence.

“What’s a Dorcha?” Flynn question.

“The dark messenger. It’s what they call the changeling that will release the Dark one from his imprisonment” Elda sighed with worry.

“There’s no way our lassie is that. Seriously no one’s even seen a changeling for a century or better.” The captain stated with certainty.

West shook his head like that’s what I said.

“His majesty didn’t think so either, neither did Lord Eldhigh,” Flynn added.

“Yeah, but we don’t know that for sure. We don’t know what I am, what I am capable of. I don’t even know what all I can do.” Miri stood up and rubbed her hands together looking at the floor.

“I mean dark magic just popped up recently in my ever-changing, mixed-up bag of magic tricks. It wasn’t even something I thought of or tried to do. It just happened. There has to be a reason for it. What if Leary and Brodie are right.” Miri’s words taper off quietly as she spoke her biggest fear out loud.

She had snapped and all the words she’d been trying to keep inside for so long exploded outward.

“Mi Princesa. Look at me” he stood up and took her hand “Don’t even think like that. There is no way you’re the Dorcha.” He motioned for her to sit back down beside him as he sat.

“Telefrin said it’s just as possible you could be the… Aotom.. no that’s not right the Neach Sion.. no that’s not it either. Oh!” He snapped his fingers. “The Aotrom Neach-Dion or the guardian of light. So he seems to be on ye side as well.” Flynn tried to reassure her.

“The Neach-Dìon of course. That explains everything” Elda whispered. The idea had struck something in her thoughts that made her gasp and smile. Standing up she walked to Miri then sat down beside her.

Taking her young pupil’s hands in hers she looked directly at Miri. “Child I think this might be your path. If everything the sages are saying is true, that the darkness is going to return I believe you are a part of it. My brother and I have always known that you were a special spark. I truly think you might be the Neach-Dion.”

“Woah!” West said, shocked.

As Miri and Flynn blinked in disbelief.

“The only thing that was missing was, from what I know of the guardian, was that you didn’t have dark powers. But I saw today how you handle darkness and light at the same time. That is a spectacular feat, my child. The scrolls I’ve read never mention the Dorcha being able to do that but the Neach-Dion can.” Elda lightly patted her cheek and nodded at her with a smile.

“You think I’m this Neach-Dion that I’m connected with the Keeper. Don’t they have to be of royal blood? I’m just a plain fairy.” Miri was completely shocked.

“Truth is Princesa you might be. We don’t know your parents so it’s possible.” West said logically.

Elda agreed but the prince noticed she looked like she knew more than she said.

Just then one of the king’s messengers arrived on the balcony, the guards had let him in. The same ones that used to protect Miri now stood guards to protect everyone else from her.

A young fairy appeared on the balcony and handed Flynn a letter with King Brogan’s seal on it. When the boy saw Miri he turned pale and left quickly without speaking.

“It appears we are being summoned to speak with the king and his council tomorrow afternoon, at 4 pm.” He read the letter.

“Let’s all get some sleep,” Elda said, “I will stay here with Miri, her aunts still at the infirmary taking care of the wounded.” She got up.

“No worries Lady Elda I’m already staying with Miri.” West grinned.

“I know that’s why I’m staying too.” She patted his cheek. He had to chuckle at that.

“I will take the couch.” Flynn said, “I have my orders to stay with Lady Miri.”

“Yay, a slumber party” West grumbled.

Flynn and Elda fell asleep first. Elda took the extra bed and Miri went to hers. West slept on the fluffy chaise lounger in between them. A spot he had to fight for.

“Great Elves this thing is comfortable.” West wiggled down under his red plaid comforter. “Remind me to get one of these at home Princessa, I need me a new napping couch.” He fluffed his pillow. Somehow managing to get even more comfortable than before.

“Huh.. oh a napping couch, ok I will remind you Westie.” Miri was noticeably distracted.

“What’s on your mind Querida,” he asked her. “The whole Dorcha, Neach-Dion thing.” He got up and sat beside her on the bed. His dark blue pajamas were almost the same color as her blanket.

“You’re not the Dorcha, Princesa. Don’t even think about that.” He put his arm around her shoulders.

“How can you be so sure?” Miri half-whispered.

“That’s easy. I’ve known you since I was 6 and we have been best friends from the day we met. You are the only person that has refined enough taste to properly appreciate all my charms.” He smiled at her. “Seriously though… you have the kindest heart of anyone I’ve met. You’re selfless and caring. There’s no evil in you. I know you better than anyone.” He hugged her.

“That’s just it West you know me.” she played with his ring on her finger.

“What do you mean?” He asked gently.

“When I used the dark magic today I felt myself change. I wasn’t me. To use the darkness I have to turn off the light or dim it. It takes away my restraint. I just wanted to fight and protect. The darkness drained all of me. I didn’t know myself. I have to use all of my focus so it won’t consume me.”

West hugged her tighter. He felt so bad for her, that much power had to pull all of oneself in, draining you physically and emotionally.

“My poor Princesa, so much power, so much responsibility.” He patted her.

“I don’t like using dark magic. What if it changes me, permanently” She looked at him with such concern.

“Nah don’t worry it won’t change you, I won’t let it.” The prince reassured her. “Just until you master it don’t use it for long periods of time. Once you have complete control of it, it won’t bother you.” He kissed her on the head. “Come on now, you need rest. He got up and tucked her in.”

As he pulled her blanket up she hugged him. “Thank you, Westie you always make me feel better.”

He smiled “That’s what prince charming’s do.” They both laughed at that.

West got himself uber comfortable again and was soon snoring.

But the thought still danced in the shadows of her exhausted mind. What if I really am the Dorcha, the dark messenger. She would destroy everything she loved.

Miri remembered how she came to be at Emberfrost. Her mind stayed there as she drifted to sleep.

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Avana Lilly
Ava’s Notebook

Writer, book enthusiast, lover of all things cute & cuddly, pet parent. A history buff, who likes art, nature, and baking. A new book + pastry = A Happy Life.