Valerie Song
AVA Smart Garden
Published in
2 min readFeb 29, 2016


“Grow” Your Own Smoothie

“I really regret blending fresher veggies into my smoothie.” — Said No One Ever

I’m a smoothie person. I mean, who doesn’t love a thirst-quenching drink to kick-start their day, enjoy as a snack, sip on as dessert, or… just whenever really? Smoothies are a great way to drink your daily servings of veggies and fruits, while also being jam-packed with vitamins, antioxidants, unhealthy sweeteners, and extra calories.

What, they didn’t tell you? Many one stop smoothie shops are blending in some extra ingredients, and they’re not always the good kind. When was the last time you checked the nutritional facts at your fave smoothie joint? Or carefully watched what ingredients they put in (especially the ones you can’t recognize)? Still, my love for smoothies told me to find another way to keep having my healthy fix.

The lesson I learned: in life, much like smoothies, you get out what you put in.

Go Green Smoothie — try it at home using fresh ingredients from your AVA!


Makes 4 servings.

  • ½ pod organic spinach
  • ½ pod organic romaine
  • 3 leaves organic mint
  • 5 leaves organic stevia
  • ¼ organic cucumber
  • ½ organic lemon, juiced
  • 2 cups cold, filtered water
  1. Snip off the organic vegetables from your AVA.
  2. Harvest one cucumber, slice into smaller chunks.
  3. Harvest one lemon, juice half and refrigerate the other.
  4. Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
  5. Pour and drink fresh!

At this point, you’re probably wondering what an AVA is.

AVA is a beautiful smart farm for your home, and it is still a product concept that our startup team needs your help to bring to life. This blog post is intended to help people envision what life could be like by growing fresh produce at home. Not only does home-grown food taste better and fresher, you’re simultaneously reducing your carbon footprint and food waste! Did you know that 1/3 of all food produced is wasted once it reaches you?

Imagine a garden that grows with your household appetite, with fresh & tasty food ready to eat at excitingly fast rates, all from organic seeds and nutrients. Mushrooms, root vegetables, herbs, sprouts, leafy greens… all within a hand’s reach at the comfort of home! Farm-to-table has never been easier.

Together, let’s reimagine your breakfast smoothie. Are you ready to rise and really shine?

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Valerie Song
AVA Smart Garden

CEO + Co-Founder @AVA. Speaker and advocate for STEAM, women in tech, and youth entrepreneurship.