Introducing AVADO’s New Plug-and-Play Blockchain Device, the i7 8TB 64GB

AVADO Blockchain Computer
4 min readDec 17, 2021

As part of AVADO’s goal to make staking crypto and interacting with the web 3.0 landscape more accessible to people of all backgrounds and experience levels, the company has launched its most powerful device to date. The plug-and-play AVADO i7 8TB 64GB offers unmatched disk space and memory, serving as a future-proof solution for anyone who wants to earn high amounts of passive income without having to replace their device anytime soon.

The AVADO i7 8TB 64GB

AVADO’s plug-and-play i7 8TB 64GB is equipped with an Intel i7–10710u CPU, and it has 64 gigs of RAM and an astounding 8 terabytes of SDD storage. As with the other offerings in AVADO’s extensive product range, it also has a WiFi access point, remote connection support and contains a pre-installed copy of AVADO’s native AvadOS operating system.

Combined, these features serve as an incredibly powerful blockchain device that can be set up in no time at all. Since AvadOS is pre-installed, and the device is designed to be accessible for both experienced blockchain experts and those unfamiliar with the tech scene, it has never been easier to access such powerful staking hardware.

One of the most impressive features of the device is its 8 terabytes of SDD storage. Participating in blockchain networks and earning passive income by staking requires a lot of storage space, which means that users of other devices may be limited when it comes to the amount of crypto projects they can stake at any one time. For instance, the Ethereum network already requires a massive 1 terabyte of space for creating a validator. As these networks grow, this requirement may increase even further within just a few years’ time.

Luckily, since the i7 8TB 64GB has 8 terabytes at its disposal, it more than exceeds the amount of storage space needed to set up an Ethereum 2.0 validator both now and into the future. In fact, you can even run multiple Ethereum validators or diversify your staking by taking part in a wealth of other exciting blockchains at the same time. The projects available to you include but are not limited to, Avalanche, QTUM, Tornado Cash, and Mysterium. It is also worth noting that AVADO is constantly adding new exciting projects to its DappStore. Those with enough storage space can rest easy knowing that they’ll be able to take part in any project they’d like for years to come.

Staking multiple blockchain projects, earning passive crypto from various sources, and supporting the decentralization movement are made possible and painless thanks to the AVADO i7 8TB 64gb’s generous RAM. With 64 gigs of memory on hand, these devices can easily handle running multiple validators simultaneously without slowdown or risk to the device’s efficiency. For example, you could easily stake Ethereum, Avalanche, and Qtum while using this device to passively earn three forms of crypto from these leading projects.

How the i7 8TB 64GB increases your earning potential

Since AVADO’s i7 8TB 64GB offering is equipped with enough storage space and memory to stake a variety of crypto projects simultaneously, users can benefit from a significantly increased earning potential.

Let’s take Ethereum 2.0 as an example. With one validator, users can currently expect a 5.2% annual percentage rate return on the amount of Ether that they stake. By running multiple validators or other projects at the same time on your i7 8TB 64GB, you can sharply increase your passive earnings.

You could, for instance, also stake Avalanche and earn a currently-estimated 9.83% on staked AVAX in addition to the money that you’re earning from your Ethereum 2.0 validator(s). Then, by also staking QTUM on your device at the same time, you can enjoy a current 7.75% annual return there as well.

There’s virtually no limit to the amount of combinations that you can choose to run on your AVADO device. The best part is that, thanks to the i7 8TB 64gb’s robust specifications, you’ll be able to keep up with increased technical demands as these blockchain projects grow in size. Further, you’ll always be able to change the projects that you’re staking depending on your needs at any given point in time.

The result of choosing this device is an easy-to-use experience that can allow you to quickly make your money back and ensure that you won’t have to replace your hardware anytime soon. For these reasons, the i7 8TB 64GB stands as the most powerful and future-proof offering in AVADO’s current range of plug-and-play blockchain devices.

The AVADO i7 8TB 64GB is the ultimate solution for users who would like to stake multiple coins at the same time and maximize their earning potential while taking part in this exciting movement. It requires no technical knowledge thanks to its pre-installed software and is more than equipped to handle the needs of leading blockchain projects as they continue to grow into the future.

To find the perfect device for you, visit AVADO’s website today and check out the side-by-side comparison of its plug-and-play products.



AVADO Blockchain Computer

AVADO is a plug and play Mini PC making it very easy to run blockchain applications. AVADO is running at your home with no technical knowledge needed.