New Remote Connection To Replace VPN For Easy Set-up

AVADO Blockchain Computer
6 min readNov 30, 2021

While AVADO’S offerings are catered to users of all experience levels and are designed to be extremely easy to set up, some users have faced challenges with setting up a VPN on their plug-and-play blockchain device. As a result, AVADO is now delivering an even better solution that allows anyone to easily set up a remote connection to their device within minutes. Better still, users can even grant direct access to the AVADO team in the unlikely circumstance that they run into any issues and need remote support. The result is an all-around experience that is easier than ever to set up and start using.

AVADO is making it easier for everyone to set up a remote connection on their device

Previously, when some users purchased a plug-and-play device, such as those offered in AVADO’s extensive range, they faced specific challenges in setting up their VPN.

Setting up a VPN is, of course, one of the first steps for users who are getting started with running a blockchain device and accessing the variety of features that AVADO has to offer. While using the actual AVADO device itself for the first time is a straightforward process for people of all experience levels, the company wanted to make setting up a remote connection straightforward.

Until now, users would have to download and install a service known as OpenVPN. From there, they would need to run a separate configuration depending on if they wanted to access their device on their home network or remotely. Sometimes users would have to tinker with their router settings to get it to work.

The actual setup process itself depended on certain factors such as the location of the user and their proximity to their AVADO box. In addition, a fraction of users would have to manually configure settings in their router to open the ports that enable a VPN to work. Since the steps that needed to be followed were unique to each user due to these various factors, it was challenging to assist users or provide comprehensive documentation.

While setting up a VPN this way is undoubtedly functional, some people felt that process was a bit alienating for those who are not highly tech-savvy. As a result, AVADO saw an opportunity to improve its services by coming up with a new way to let people quickly set up a remote connection on their devices.

After all, having several steps in the setup process meant several points at which users could become stuck or frustrated. Since AVADO’s core mission is to deliver access to the exciting world of blockchain technology to both experienced and brand new users alike without requiring any technical knowledge, the company implemented its new and unique solution.

AVADO’s new simplified solution; set up a remote connection by following these easy steps

In just a few steps, AVADO’s new process allows anyone — of any technical experience level — to set up a remote connection.

Rather than use OpenVPN, the new setup involves a new package called Remote Connect. After accessing your AVADO device for the first time, you’ll be prompted with a series of easy-to-follow instructions beginning with a link to download this free tool.

Once the tool has been downloaded and installed, users just need to navigate to the “Join Network…” option. Clicking this button then prompts you to input your AVADO device ID. Then, you just need to tick the “allow managed,” “allow global,” and “allow DNS” checkboxes and press join.

Within a few seconds, users will then be able to see their computer or phone on the members’ list of the AVADO remote connection page. Here, users can click to approve requested connections manually.

Since each connection needs to be approved by the device owner, no one will ever be able to connect to your device remotely unless you decide to give them access to do so.

On the members’ list, devices such as phones and computers are referred to by their client ID. This allows you to know which connections are active at all times. To simplify the process, you can even edit the description of each device on your AVADO remote connection page in order to make them easier to recognize and identify.

Once you’ve clicked the checkbox on your AVADO remote connection page that reads “allow access,” you’re done! Just like that, your connection is set up and ready to go. This means that you’ll be able to visit to manage your AVADO box both locally and remotely.

How AVADO’s new remote connection is improving the user experience

The most significant benefit of AVADO’s new way of letting users set up their remote connection is that it has made the process extremely simple as the Remote Connect package will find its way through your router by itself and users don’t have to worry about opening the right ports or what their IP address is. All of this while still retaining the same functionality and security that users have grown to expect and enjoy.

Now, anyone can set up their remote connection without any real hassle by following a few simple steps. Whereas in the old method, the steps that users would have to follow would depend on a host of variables such as their router and location, AVADO’s new solution means that everyone can follow the same easy process to get everything up and running in minutes.

Further, whether you are setting up your remote access locally or outside your home network, you’ll only need to do so once for both purposes.

Since this process has been simplified and is now the same for everyone, it also better enables AVADO to support its users. Now, in the very rare instance in which you need extra assistance getting anything set up, AVADO can easily help you do so in no time at all.

Crucially, this new method of setting up a remote access is highly secure. The third-party open-source tool that the process uses, operates through a peer-to-peer network. This is similar to a highly secure blockchain, as all of the nodes within the network work through a global system in the form of a decentralized network.

Since all of the information transmitted through the remote access is encrypted, none of your communication will be interpretable by any outside party. This means that you’ll never have to worry about anyone who you haven’t chosen to give access to being able to interact with your AVADO device.

Ultimately, the AVADO team wanted to create a user process that would better suit its core mission of making blockchain technology accessible for everyone. Much in the same way that your plug-and-play AVADO device can be set up in a few minutes without requiring any technical knowledge, users can now set up their remote connection just as easily. The result is an experience that is more inclusive and requires no convoluted or cumbersome processes to participate in the blockchain movement.


AVADO offers blockchain computers that anyone can easily set up to run Web3 applications, stake tokens, run blockchain nodes, or get involved in cryptocurrency. AVADO devices allow people from all backgrounds and experience levels to earn crypto and interact with the exciting world of blockchain technology. Thanks to its extensive product range, you can find the perfect affordable AVADO device that best meets your needs to make your experience as easy and enjoyable as possible.

Find out more about AVADO today.



AVADO Blockchain Computer

AVADO is a plug and play Mini PC making it very easy to run blockchain applications. AVADO is running at your home with no technical knowledge needed.