Updates to Your Avalanche Address: Improving the User Experience for All

Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2020

If you’re expecting AVAX tokens on mainnet launch, the deadline to update your wallet address will be August 31st. Please make sure you update outdated wallet addresses with the new, streamlined format.

The team has been working tirelessly to ensure Avalanche has a successful, decentralized launch and an outstanding user experience. Most notably, you’ll see major improvements with the launch of a feature-filled mainnet release candidate, Everest, as the final phase of testing before mainnet launch.

One smaller, but significant, improvement is being made to the AVAX address format. We are implementing the Bech32 addressing format, which provides:

  • Automatic identification of errors in addresses
  • Easily readable addresses that avoid confusion between similar characters
  • A human-readable network name in front of the address to ensure users do not accidentally send funds between test networks and mainnet by accident

This does mean that the old format will not be compatible with mainnet, and will require users to create new AVAX addresses. There are two simple ways to do so:

Option 1: Through keygen.avax.network (do not use wallet.avax.network)

  1. Navigate to keygen.avax.network > Click “Generate Key”
  2. Write down your AVAX Mnemonic Phrase in a secure location > Click “Verify”
  3. Confirm that you wrote down your mnemonic phrase successfully
  4. Public sale participants can then login to buy.avax.network > Click “Profile” > Click “Account Information” > Click “Edit” > Update your “Receiving Address”
  5. Ensure that after saving your receiving address has been updated on the screen

Please keep your mnemonic phrase in a safe place. You will need it to access your wallet on Mainnet launch.

Option 2: Through the offline script

If you’d rather generate your address offline, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to https://github.com/ava-labs/avax-js-cli-tools
  2. Follow Steps 1 through 3 under “Running” section of README
  3. Public sale participants can then login to buy.avax.network > Click “Profile” > Click “Account Information” > Click “Edit” > Update your “Receiving Address”
  4. Ensure that after saving your receiving address has been updated on the screen

Please keep your mnemonic phrase in a safe place. You will need it to access your wallet on Avalanche Mainnet launch.

As always, let us know if you have any questions by contacting support@avax.network. Here are some final remarks:

  1. Please note that the deadline for responding with your AVAX addresses is August 31st.
  2. We never will ask for any private information relating to your AVAX addresses. NEVER SHARE YOUR PRIVATE KEYS.
  3. Your AVAX address starts with “X-avax1”. Anything else is NOT your address.
  4. For Denali incentivized testnet participants: if you also participated in the public/private sale, you can create and use a single new address for both your testnet rewards and token purchases. You just need to follow the steps on both the buy.avax.network website and Denali incentivized testnet address update form.

Thank you for being part of the Avalanche community. We’re so excited to have you on board.

About Avalanche

Avalanche is an open-source platform for launching decentralized finance applications and enterprise blockchain deployments in one interoperable, highly scalable ecosystem. Developers who build on Avalanche can easily create powerful, reliable, and secure applications and custom blockchain networks with complex rulesets or build on existing private or public subnets.

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