Avalanche Mainnet is Live

Published in
5 min readSep 22, 2020

From Snowflake to Avalanche, the decentralized platform has come a long way, and its journey has only just begun

Over the last few years, Avalanche has grown from an idea to a fully-featured platform. With the Avalanche consensus protocol serving as the platform’s engine, transactions are processed at 4,500 transactions per second, with sub-second transactional finality. Avalanche will alleviate bottlenecks that exist in current blockchain systems, as well as usher in a new generation of decentralized applications.

Today, we’re excited to share the launch of Avalanche’s mainnet.

What You Can Do with Avalanche

Now that Avalanche is live, we’ll outline some things you can do with the platform. Whether you’re an enterprise, decentralized organization, developer, token holder, or enthusiast, there’s an opportunity with Avalanche. See how you can harness the high-performance, scalability, and security of Avalanche.

For Enterprises and Institutions

Enterprises and institutions on Avalanche can run in their own independent blockchains validated by a dynamic, custom set of validators called subnets. Subnets offer customization capabilities that allow for the creation of permissioned blockchains. Enterprises no longer need to adapt their integration strategies towards using a public, permissionless blockchain platform.

For Decentralized Organizations

If you’re either a new or existing decentralized organization, Avalanche is the solution for you. New organizations can quickly dive into the Avalanche documentation to understand how to integrate into the platform. Have questions? No problem. Join our Discord.

Existing decentralized organizations may be shopping around for other alternatives. Slow transaction speeds, high transaction costs, and instability in the network’s security may be a few of the problems you’ve come across while running your blockchain-based organization. There’s no need to look further. Avalanche makes it easy to try out its capabilities; organizations building on Ethereum, for example, can quickly port over to Avalanche using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (VM) running on top of it. The platform can also run other VMs for all kinds of use cases.

For Developers

Avalanche is designed to put developers in control and unleash new use cases that you either haven’t dreamed of yet or apps that simply can’t work on current networks. We’re trying to show the world the true capabilities of blockchain. So, whether you have the next great decentralized finance (DeFi) moonshot or ready to make non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into an asset class, Avalanche is ready to help you build without limits.

Token Users and Enthusiasts

You don’t quite have the technical skills to build on Avalanche (yet!) or the need for an enterprise’s tech stack. There are plenty of ways to get involved with Avalanche now and more on the way as more applications join the platform. You can stake through your Avalanche Wallet, find the next great app, or maybe launch a project of your own by participating in the community.

Other Resources

Other resources to use and better understand the platform include:

  • Avalanche Wallet: a simple, secure, non-custodial wallet for storing Avalanche assets.
  • Avalanche Explorer: an analytics tool that enables people to search the Avalanche network for transactions, addresses, and other platform activities
  • Avascan: an independent blockchain explorer for Avalanche–backed by Avalanche-X
  • VScout: an analytics tool for exploring Avalanche Subnets (Dynamic Validator Pools)
  • Figment Networks: staking on Avalanche with Figment
  • ablock: staking on Avalanche with ablock
  • AvaxMap: all active nodes running on Avalanche

Our work doesn’t stop at launch. We’re now focused on network stability and helping our community and partners join the Avalanche ecosystem. We’re striving to make each experience with Avalanche better than your last. So, be sure to stay tuned to our official channels for new app launches, partners, and updates to the network.

Thank you to our amazing families, friends, supporters, community, and partners for your endless support. We’ll see you all on mainnet.

About Avalanche

Avalanche is an open-source platform for launching decentralized finance applications and enterprise blockchain deployments in one interoperable, highly scalable ecosystem. Developers who build on Avalanche can easily create powerful, reliable, and secure applications and custom blockchain networks with complex rulesets or build on existing private or public subnets.

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Avalanche is the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry, as measured by time-to-finality. Don’t believe it? Try an app on Avalanche today.