RocoFinance & Rise Online x Avalaunch — IDO Announcement

Published in
5 min readOct 10, 2021

With several successful IDOs behind us and Avalanche moving more and more into the mainstream dialog every day, we are pleased to announce our next Avalaunch sale: RocoFinance.

RocoFinance is unique in scope in that it not only offers utility and access to a robust game development platform and ecosystem, but is also bundled alongside their flagship title, Rise Online, a MMORPG produced by RokoGame Studios and built specifically for the Avalanche blockchain. The game itself has been in development for over a year and has garnered interest and investment from some of the most influential backers in the industry, such as Alameda Research and Huobi Capital.

With a background in large-scale game development and deep roots in the Avalanche ecosystem, the Roko team has not only a critical understanding of our community, but also currently processes over one million USD per year in virtual good sales through other successful game titles and properties.

Avalaunch is particularly excited about the ROCO token, and the atypical amount of utility and day-one adoption it possesses. There are a number of teams and entities that have come together to forge a universe of products and games, supported by a wide range of development efforts, all powered by ROCO.

RocoFinance — The blockchain gaming platform piloting unique solutions for the numerous problems plaguing the gaming space. By combining blockchain technology infrastructure with its gaming solutions, the Roco Finance platform lowers the entry barriers for game developers, content creators, and player communities.

At the core of it all rests the ROCO token.

Within RocoFinance, you will find:

  • An NFT Marketplace
  • Farming and Staking Pools
  • Gaming Project Launchpad
  • Regulated P2P Item Trading
  • Crypto Asset Wallet
  • Payment Gateways
  • Developer Applications & Tooling

The developer applications and tooling are a particularly exciting USP, as it speaks to the team’s vision to foster the industry blockchain gaming as a whole. These solutions will help expand the current resources available to blockchain game developers, driving more innovation, users and adoption to Avalanche.

These tools will look like NFT solutions, open-source software development kits (SDKs), APIs, game add-ons, virtual items management applications and a payment systems platform service to game developers, content creators and player communities. We hope to see this robust suite of developer-focused applications accelerate next generation games built by and for the Avalanche ecosystem. As this happens, RocoFinance will continue to grow as a pillar of the ecosystem.

Rise Online — The first MMORPG game partnered with RocoFinance and driven by the ROCO token. Currently in Beta with over 100,000 users, Rise is breaking new ground in blockchain gaming with its sprawling open worlds, innovative in-game mining mechanics, tradeable NFT assets and “AAA’’ characters and story.

The ROCO token is woven throughout the game, powering its economy and allowing players to earn while they play. Some of the play-to-earn mechanics you can expect to see in-game are:

  • Token Rewarded Missions
  • Battle Rewards
  • Boss Events
  • PVP Tournaments
  • Clan Wars
  • More TBA

We believe Rise Online will set a new standard in blockchain game development and we are incredibly excited to offer exclusively to the Avalaunch community.

RocoFinance | Rise Online — Links

Final Thoughts

After working closely with the team for many months, we are confident in their ability to deliver value and top-tier gaming experiences to the Avalanche community. In our work together, the Roko team has always demonstrated an ability to be agile and execute, even within the rigid framework of deep game and blockchain development.

Founder/CEO of Roco, Sebahattin Akay notes:

“Since we presented our project to them, the Avalaunch team has been in constant, supportive communication with their professional and sincere approach. They shared their great experiences and met with us to make Roco Finance be the best it could be.

It was great pleasure to work with Avalaunch. I appreciate them for their contribution to creating community together.

As the RocoFinance team, we would like to contribute to this ecosystem with new GameFi projects that we will develop and support. We believe that this partnership will carry us to the far.”

When looking at the breadth, sophistication and innovation contained within Rise Online and RocoFinance, Avalaunch believes their launch signals a new era in not just blockchain gaming & development, but also how digital goods are bought, sold and interacted with inside of a global, decentralized gaming ecosystem. With the speed and low-fees afforded to us by Avalanche, we anticipate a new class of games and developers which will reshape the entire gaming industry for years to come.


Funding Numbers:

  • Seed and Private: 36,000,000 ROCO at .10 USD — 3.6M USD
  • Public IDO: 5M ROCO at .12 USD— $600,000
  • Hard Cap: $4,200,000 USD

Supply Breakdown & Vesting:

Total Supply: 100,000,000 ROCO

  • Token Sales (Private, Seed and Public): 41M ROCO
  • Ecosystem: 20M ROCO
  • Foundation: 15M ROCO
  • Liquidity: 10M ROCO
  • Strategic Services: 7M ROCO
  • Sustainability: 7M ROCO


  • Seed & Private: 10% unlocked, 3 month cliff, 5% a month for 18 months
  • Ecosystem: 30 day cliff, 25% unlocked quarterly over 12 months
  • Foundation: 6 months cliff, 8.33% monthly for a year
  • Liquidity: 100% Unlocked*
  • Strategic Services: 30 day cliff, 8.33% a month for 12 months
  • Sustainability: 2 year cliff, 16.66% a month for 6 months
  • Public Sale: 100% Unlocked

*The team has committed 33.3% as liquidity provision upon listing.


  • Initial Circulating Supply: 8,600,000 ROCO (excluding liquidity tokens)
  • Initial Market Cap: 1,032,000 USD
  • Initial Liquidity: 3.33M ROCO and 400K USD in AVAX

The Roco IDO on Avalaunch

  • 4.17M ROCO at .12 USD (Total Supply: 100M ROCO)
  • Sale Size: $500,000 USD

Registration Schedule:

  • Registration Opens: 10/13/2021 at 3 p.m. (UTC)
  • Registration Closes: 10/16/2021 at 6 a.m. (UTC)

Sale Schedule:

  • Validator Round Begins: 10/18/2021 at 6:00 a.m. (UTC)
  • Validator Round Closes: 10/18/2021 at 6:00 p.m. (UTC)
  • Staking Round Begins: 10/18/2021 at 6:30 p.m. (UTC)
  • Staking Round Closes: 10/19/2021 at 6:00 a.m. (UTC)

Avalaunch Sale Distribution

  • A minimum of 90% of the sale will go to the community stakers of XAVA.
  • Approximately 10% will be reserved for validators of the Avalanche network.

IDO Recap

  • Total ROCO for sale: 4.17M
  • Price: $.12
  • Size: $500,000
  • Vesting — 100% Unlocked

Notable: Private and public rounds are very close in price with the public sale being 100% unlocked.

About Avalaunch

Avalaunch is a launchpad powered by the Avalanche platform, allowing new and innovative projects to seamlessly prepare for launch with an emphasis on fair and broad distribution. With its values deeply rooted in the early Avalanche community, we are able to offer projects confident, informed users who are aligned with the long-term goals of the rapidly expanding application ecosystem.

Leveraging Avalanche’s scalable, high-throughput, and low-latency platform, Avalaunch is built by users, for teams, to help grow strong communities.

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