Avalon Quinn
Avalon Quinn
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2018

A Social Media Campaign For Fresh Water

For this assignment I was asked to create a social media campaign. I decided to create a campaign to build awareness towards the drinking water crisis. Using bold titles and visuals I was able to create a effective campaign.

Context and Challenge
I was asked to create a social media campaign for the subject of my choice, which is the drinking water crisis. This campaign is focused on creating awareness on this issue. The biggest problem I faced while creating this social media campaign was choosing a topic to cover. The one thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to focus on awareness of a global issue, but needed to narrow it down from there.

Process and Insight
For the layout for this campaign I brainstormed some ideas on paper before starting in illustrator. I realized that the images that would stand out the most would involve some manipulation and creative word placement for it to grab the viewer’s attention.

Throughout creating this campaign I wanted to be sure that the message was clear even with the variety of images. Using written facts and visuals related to said facts. The design varied a little, but kept similar theme and colour scheme so that the audience would see the image and know what the campaign was about.

While creating this campaign I learned that I work best when in full control of the images and outcome. The most time consuming part of this assignment was finding images that worked with my ideas. Overall this assignment allowed me to grow as a creator.

