Where To?

A Full UX Design Package

Avalon Quinn
Avalon Quinn
3 min readApr 26, 2018


This assignment was to create an original app idea and design, I decided to create a travel planning and tracking app. When planning a trip many things can be forgotten so I wanted to create a single place for all the information to be located. Along with the planning aspect of this app there would be features allowing users to add friends to plan with, share experiences, and suggest places to visit to one another.

Context and Challenge
This assignment allowed me to create my own app design. After making a list of potential app ideas and a bit of research, I chose to create a design for a travel planning and tracking app. This app would allow the user to plan future trips as well as keep track of places they would like to visit. The main goal of this app is to create a space in which users can plan and book trips, along with tracking where other users have been and find new places to visit. From the research I have done I found that most travel apps are only focused on one aspect of travel, i.e. hotels or flights. I wanted to create a space in which users could access all parts involved in planning a trip.

Process and Insight
Throughout the process of creating the design for this app I found myself reorganizing the layout over and over before finalizing it. Moving from the wire frame design to the actual layout I found that the wire frame wasn’t what I wanted for the actual layout, which led to more reconstruction. I wanted this app to be easy for the users to use, while still looking nice.

Because there can be a lot of information when planning a trip, I tried to keep the design simple while still making is pleasing to look at so that the user can have a pleasant experience when using this app.

I found that many people enjoyed the idea of having on app to access all the information when travelling, and found that it would be helpful. And got some nice feedback on the final design.

