Latest Long Form Pieces on Avanceé

Highlighting a few recent pieces

Antoine RJ Wright
2 min readOct 10, 2019


Each week, there’s a long-form writing posted to Avanceé which points to some themes found in recently projects and concepts. And while it’s been good to post them in while here, this post is just pointing to a summary of the past few:


…We are peculiar in some respects. Most of us live within the confines of this temporal plane and do our best to ignore this fear of the effects of time, but we can’t. From adaptive technologies, to rules around ageism, there’s a tact acknowledgement that we are clearly servants of time’s effects, but also that there’s some measure of fulfillment which can come if we don’t live in fear of it, but embrace it…

Read the rest of Chronophobia

On Prioritization

…Theren lies the challenge with prioritization. What you value is what you eventually prioritize. More often than not, the thing that we value is as close as the item which is in front of our nose. That may not be fair, but given the amount of information that comes our direction, the amount of wants which follow our wish list, we sometimes default to what we can immediately perceive rather than what we truly value…

Read the rest of On Prioritization

Visibility, Consistency

…A new project is also shedding some maturity towards the impacts of visibility and consistency. Visibility seems as if it is effectiveness. There’s the dopamine-addressed, newness of what is entering the framing. And if done in acceptable, albeit contrasting ways, visibility indeed comes across as if effectiveness is happening…

Read the rest of Visibility, Consistency

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Antoine RJ Wright

Designing a cooperative, iterative, insanely creative pen of a future worth inveinting between ink & pixels @AvanceeAgency