OAK Grants Updates: Bagpipes’ DeFi Automation Workflow Builder M1 Delivery

Jorge Artavia Gonzalez
Ava Protocol
Published in
5 min readMay 9, 2024

We’re pleased to announce the release of our Bagpipes Integration and GitHub documentation, showcasing a seamless product integration with our automation stack. The Milestone-1 (M1) delivery, which features a drag-and-drop UI for bridging asset cross-chain, was delivered just a month after the grant approval. In this blog, we’ll provide a project overview, delve into the details of the successful M1 delivery, and offer a sneak peek into the exciting future developments of the product.

Bagpipes Project Overview

Bagpipes is a tool that allows users to build DeFi workflows without needing to write code. With a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, users can create custom cross-chain workflows that utilize the best features from different Polkadot and Kusama parachains. The M1 product supports XCM asset transfers from Turing to Moonriver, Moonriver to Turing, and Turing to Mangata.

Try out the innovative Bagpipes tool! Below you will find resources for how to use it.

Video Walk-through

Check out how easy it is to bridge asset cross-chain in this video demo.

Bridge assets from Turing to Moonriver: A Step-by-Step Guide
Are you looking to transfer assets from the Turing chain to Moonriver? The M1 version of the Bagpipies tool simplifies transferring a variety of TUR assets cross-chain, making it easier for developers and users to support cross-chain DApps interacting with both the Moonriver and Turing ecosystems. We’re excited to introduce this solution, which streamlines a previously complex task. See the step-by-step instructions below to create a scenario, execute, and verify your transaction.

1. Connect your Talisman Wallet. Since this scenario requires loading of two wallets, Substrate wallet for Turing and EVM wallet for Moonriver, we can use Talisman or SubWallet that supports both types of wallets.

2. Once the wallet addresses are connected, return to the builder using the left-side menu.

3. Create two Chain components, and one Action component by dragging out from the menu.

4. Select Turing Network as the source chain on the left.

5. Select Asset, in this case, TUR|Native |Asset.

6. Select My Polkadot Account address on the Turing form.

7. Determine the amount on the Turing form.

8. Choose an action (xTransfer for this cross-chain bridge scenario) from the Action component.

9. Then, select Moonriver as the destination chain on the right.

10. Select the EVM(0x) address as the Moonriver destination wallet.

11. On the Action component, click on the blue refresh button, confirming the direction of the flow.

12. Press the Start button on the top right corner to sign the transaction. If the UI is set correctly, the transaction details will show in the new page. Click on Approve all from the page, and approve the transaction that pops up in your wallet.

13. Click Broadcast on the top right corner to send the signed transaction to on-chain.

14. A “Transaction finalized on blockchain” notification will pop up once it is successfully submitted on-chain.

15. Copy the transaction hash and use the Turing Subscan to view the transaction.

The same process can be applied to bridge transfer across other chains, such as from Moonriver to Turing and from Turing to Mangata. For a deeper technical understanding of how the product works, please refer to our GitHub documentation, and the Bagpipes documentation.

Looking Ahead: Turing Automation features

The future Bagpipes integration of Turing Network’s scheduling functionality will allow users to automate tasks and workflows at ease. As stated in a publication by the Moonbeam team,

“Using Turing’s transaction automation, blockchain-based organizations like DAOs can make regular payments to members for compensation, or real-world organizations that are unbanked or struggle to get access to banking services can deliver payments.”

The future is bright for builders as we aim to simplify the process of building automated decentralized applications, making them accessible for all and enhancing productivity. The integration will enable users to create custom workflows that facilitate cross-chain scheduling with price and time triggers. By using Polkadot’s XCM, users can apply Turing Network’s on-chain automation to other parachains, which enables cross-chain automation. We are extremely excited to see more cross-chain use cases revolutionize the DeFi space.

Closing Remarks

The partnership between OAK and Bagpipes has reached a significant milestone, delivering the M1 in an impressive one-month timeframe. The no-code flow builder transforms decentralized application development, allowing developers to easily utilize Turing Networks’ automation capabilities. Now, end users can create custom cross-chain workflows without writing code, as simple as building Lego blocks. We’re excited to explore the immense potential of this innovative tool and continue advancing in the decentralized app space through our partnership.


https://docs.bagpipes.io/docs/xtransfer/turing https://github.com/OAK-Foundation/Grants-Program/blob/bfa3bd339488c0c6071f6e00f218dfe853dcffe4/deliveries/bagpipes_m1.md

