OAK Network & Mangata: XCM Liquidity Pool Auto-Compounding ⛓️

Christian Dirk
Ava Protocol
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2023


Our team at OAK Network is incredibly excited to show off the cross-chain message passing (XCMP/HRMP) capabilities of the Turing Network in partnership with Mangata to offer auto-compounding of liquidity pool rewards on the MangataX decentralized exchange!

OAK Network and Mangata are proud to be pioneering parachain cross-chain functionality for the Kusama and Polkadot ecosystems.


After the $TUR successful bootstrap on the MangataX DEX the Turing Network is now offering technical functionality to auto-compound liquidity rewards for MGX liquidity pairs including $TUR:$MGX. The auto-compounding partnership between Turing and MangataX was established through the creation of key infrastructure to allow XCMP calls across parachains to schedule future transactions — firstly it will be used to auto-compound MGX liquidity pools but the infrastructure can still be used for even more advanced and complex actions.

The auto-compounding function utilizes the XCM compoundRewards call to schedule a future event on the Turing Network parachain which triggers an action on the MangataX parachain — by using the XCM protocol all user funds are secure and the action is completely non-custodial. The OAK team believes this is an impressive demonstration of the the key advantages for parachains on Polkadot and Kusama and the potential for XCM.

Check out the Mangata exchange here — https://x.mangata.finance/

Using Auto-Compounding

The auto-compounding functionality allows developers to use Polkadot.js to set up automatic claiming of liquidity pool rewards on MangataX and then automatically add the claimed rewards into a liquidity pool. Individuals may set their own percentage threshold and use the schedule parameter to choose to execute tasks at fixed times or recurring. Combining these actions creates a variety of use cases that we are excited to see how our communities utilize.

Our team has put together a technical demo to explain the process for developers that want to use the auto-compounding functions. Check our out the OAK Network documentation page for more information. For less technical users we will be announcing a new partnership to create a rewards dashboard, so that anyone can easily set up auto-compounding liquidity pool rewards.

Live Technical Demo — OAK YouTube

The Future

OAK Network is happy to be collaborating closely with Mangata to offer innovative new functionality to the ecosystem. MangataX continues to create more liquidity pairs, such as their recent listing of ZLK, and our team is excited to create auto-compounding for more parachain tokens.

Outside of MangataX the Turing Network & OAK Network is working to create automation and auto-compounding for other platforms and exchanges across Kusama & Polkadot.

About OAK Network

OAK Network is a layer one blockchain that enables multi-chain applications to automate single or recurring transactions using a simple ‘if this’ trigger condition and ‘then that’ transaction instruction. As the web3 hub for cross-chain automation, OAK unlocks a diverse range of rich DeFi user experiences including scheduled and recurring payments, stable-cost-averaging, stop loss and limit orders, and non-custodial copy trading.

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Christian Dirk
Ava Protocol

Head of Research & Education at OAK Network and PhD Business Information Systems Candidate - Polkadot head ambassador for the Australia & New Zealand region.