Healthy Slow Cooker Korean Beef

Cait Robertson
Avatar Nutrition
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2018

This recipe literally takes 5 minutes to throw in the crock pot but tastes like it’s from a gourmet Korean restaurant. Serious life hack right here, enjoy!


SERVING SIZE: 170 grams
YIELDS: 6 servings


Avatar Way
– 2 lbs flat iron or flank steak
– 6g minced garlic
– 2g sesame seeds (you can find this near the spice area of the grocery story FYI)
– 120g soy sauce
– 15g sesame oil
– 80g light brown sugar
– 70g water
– 50g cornstarch
– ½ tbsp fresh chopped chives

Common Way
– 2 lbs flat iron or flank steak
– ½ tbsp minced garlic
– ½ tbsp sesame seeds (you can find this near the spice area of the grocery story FYI)
– ⅔ cup soy sauce
– 1 tbsp sesame oil
– ½ cup light brown sugar
– ⅓ cup water
– ⅓ cup cornstarch
– ½ tbsp fresh chopped chives


  1. Place all ingredients in crockpot except for cornstarch, chives, and sesame seeds.
  2. Cook on low for 6–7 hours.
  3. With a fork, break up steak inside crock pot and slowly stir in cornstarch to thicken the sauce. Let sit for a few minutes, garnish with chives/sesame seeds and enjoy!

