Protein Packed S’mores Energy Bites

Cait Robertson
Avatar Nutrition
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2018

High-fiber, high-protein energy bites are perfect to make in bulk and take on-the-go! The secret ingredient for making anything high-fiber is IMO syrup (aka Vita Fiber).


SERVING SIZE: 1 25g bite
YIELDS: 6 Servings


Avatar Way
– 35g Vitafiber syrup
– 60g vanilla whey (or whey isolate)
– 15g graham cracker crumbs
– 10g mini marshmallows
– 12g semi-sweet chocolate chips
– Stevia/Splenda to taste
– water to consistency

Common Way
– 1 tbsp Vitafiber syrup
– ½ cup vanilla whey (or whey isolate)
– 2 tbsp graham cracker crumbs
– ¼ cup mini marshmallows
– 1 tbsp semi-sweet chocolate chips
– Stevia/Splenda to taste
– water to consistency


  1. Pour vita fiber into a bowl and microwave for 10 seconds.
  2. Add whey, stevia and graham cracker crumbs. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Add water SLOWLY until a dry dough consistency is reached. When I say add water slow, I mean by the drop. It’s important to not have a wet dough.
  4. Break marshmallows and chocolate into the smallest pieces possible.
  5. Roll dough into balls (about 25g each) and place marshmallows and chocolate around the balls.
  6. Continue to roll until you have perfect S’mores bites with marshmallow and chocolate on the outside. Enjoy!

