Recital to Blessed Morrigan

Denis P. Gill
Recitals of the Celtic Gods
2 min readMar 16, 2024
The Morrigan — Warrior Goddess of Destruction and Creation

In the shadowed embrace of the ancient lands, where the mists weave through the emerald hills and the cries of the crow pierce the solemn silence, there she stands — the Morrigan, great queen and phantom of war. With raven-black hair that cascades like the night over shoulders strong and unyielding, she is the embodiment of power, sovereignty, and the inevitable cycle of life and death. Her eyes, a piercing gaze that sees through the veil of worlds, command both reverence and awe.

She is the Great Phantom Queen, whose presence is felt in the heartbeats of warriors and the whispers of the wise. The Morrigan, a triad of force, fertility, and prophecy, weaves the tapestry of fate with threads of bravery, strife, and transformation. In her hands, the strands of destiny twist and turn, shaping the outcomes of battles and the paths of empires.

Her call is the crow’s caw, a summoning to embrace our inner strength, to confront our deepest fears, and to rise with the dawn of new beginnings. She is protector, challenger, and guide — a deity of complexity and contrast, whose lessons are carved in the soul of the land and the spirit of its people.

Hail to the Morrigan, shadowy protector and queen of phantoms, whose wisdom, like the deepest roots of the ancient oaks, holds the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth. In her honor, we stand strong, embracing the cycles of existence with courage and honor.



Denis P. Gill
Recitals of the Celtic Gods

Technical Ghostwriter and Editor for Engineering, Construction, Science, Finance and Psychology. Seo Content. Speech Writing.