The Right Fit

Meghan Griffiths
Avenger of the Month
4 min readFeb 19, 2016


Purchasing a home was one of the scariest decisions I have ever made, and yet it was a decision that just felt so right for me. I researched to find the perfect home for months. I went to countless open houses, created 10 different Zillow searches, and drove my real estate agent crazy with the amount of homes I asked to see. I wanted to make sure that when it was time to make my decision that I was confident I had put my time into researching all possible options. When I finally saw my home for the first time, I knew it was the one. Within a couple of weeks of seeing the home, I had put in an offer and became a proud homeowner… I had no idea what I had gotten myself into.

All smiles shortly after closing!

Starting my career at a startup, I had a lot of the same feelings. I had put a lot of time and research into searching for the right job and when I found the Inspire Energy job posting, I knew it was the right fit for me. I had absolutely no poker face during my interview. By the end of my meeting I had made it clear multiple times that I wanted this job. When I got the call offering me the Member Support Manager position, I was ecstatic. I was thrilled to be joining a passionate team of people working towards one clear vision. I packed up my life in Baltimore, and not even two weeks later I started working in our Philadelphia location. At that time there were four of us in the office…I had no idea what I had gotten myself into.

Sunset in our Philly office

Both renovating a home and working at a startup leads to being much more work than expected, yet is so unbelievably rewarding. While working on my home, weeknights and weekends for 6 months straight were spent planning, demolishing, sanding, prepping, painting, and installing. I had to make decisions for almost everything from the floors to the cabinets, from the countertops to the appliances. I had to take ownership of the project and make those selections in order for the renovations to keep moving along. I can’t put into words how delighted I was to finally move into my renovated home. It was a joy to see my vision that had now come to life. When someone walks into my home I’m proud of what I have created and there’s a story behind almost every selection. What I have learned though is that there is no true end to the renovations. Almost everyday I notice something that I still want to improve or update.

I joined Inspire Energy in November of 2014, and I was the first person hired to be solely dedicated to member support. The time commitment for the job was certainly different than your typical 9–5 but it didn’t seem like a requirement. I didn’t have a big team to rely on to pick up any slack, I took ownership of the work that needed to be completed. I certainly had great guidance and support but certain projects I had to just figure out. Just as there was no handbook I was following to renovate my home, I certainly didn’t have a handbook of how to be a Member Support Manager at Inspire Energy. Looking back on what I have accomplished while renovating my home and what I have contributed to building at Inspire Energy, the finished products are beyond rewarding and something that I’m very proud of.

Before and After of the kitchen!

Being recognized as an avenger of the month for being a coach is a recognition that truly humbles me. It has been so rewarding growing the Member Support team and watching my teammates flourish in their roles. As a team we are constantly sharing knowledge, improving processes, and perfecting what we do on a daily basis. Oh, and we like to have some fun too!

Member Support Minions for Halloween 2015

As a company, we have set some great foundations, and built a home that we are proud of. Our Inspire Energy home is full of avengers that are constantly looking for ways to improve upon what has been built. As we develop new products, expand into new markets, and gain new members, the home that we are building is going to continue to grow.

The Avenger Trophy took a trip to the Top of the Tower in Center City Philadelphia

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