Who am I?

Aventures et au delà
3 min readDec 4, 2023

Hmmmm… Good question
Avid curious.
Part-time writer.
Full-time thinker.
My friends would probably say “free spirit”.

Hey 😀

I’m Amélie, but you can call me Amé.


In my thirties.

Sportswoman and wine drinker (yes that’s compatible 😜).
I’m French by birth but Canadian by adoption since 2014 (or Québécoise I should say).
After university, I spent 9 wonderful years in Montreal where I started my adult life (aka I paid my own s***).

When I was younger, I never knew what I wanted to do with my life, except travel and discover other cultures. I love understanding why people do what they do and why they think the way they do.

In short, when you’re young and you don’t know what you want to do, when you absolutely have to study but you want to travel, you head for the path that offers THE answer to all these questions: business schools.

No regrets.

It was an excellent choice. Not for the courses, but for the path it offered me.
It gave me the chance to travel to countries I’d never have thought of, such as China. My first trip outside Europe. Alone and, to tell the truth, my first ever airplane flight too….

I came back transformed, and clearly I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I hadn’t taken this trip.

Getting away from the comfort of my parents’ house (and my nutella sandwiches, already spread when I woke up… yes, I know what you’re thinking!).

It’s also how I ended up in Montreal one day.
After a good decade had passed and I’d given way to routine, she finally arrived…


Maybe you’ve heard of it.

You wake up one day and realize that you’re ten, twenty or thirty years older, but you haven’t really lived your life.
Mine began to take shape around the same time as 2020 hit. I don’t need to remind you how special that year was….

In short, I have to say that the two years that followed were no picnic…
Although I can’t complain because I still had a job during the pandemic and Quebec wasn’t the worst place to be at the time, in terms of restrictions, after years of asking myself the same f***** questions, I felt the sudden urge for a change.

Like the need to finally take back the place that belongs to me.
That of the main actress in my life!
In 2 words…


At the end of 2022, I resigned from my very pleasant job in the wine industry and decided to settle in Seoul, South Korea.

I’d never been there before, I had no plans or friends there, just my desire to let myself live, experience new things in unfamiliar surroundings and discover myself along the way.

I had time on my hands.

I didn’t have a job

NOthing else to do than THINK and TRAVEL.

It was an opportunity for me to finally do things I’d never had the chance to do before.

I landed in Seoul in January 2023.

It took me a while, but after 11 months in Seoul, and a lot of wondering, I’m finally going to put this blog online.

Yeah !!!!!!!!! 👏👏👏👏

In this blog, I share my journey, my daily life as an expat and my anecdotes. All the beautiful things I discovered along the way.

I hope you enjoy my writing.

If it helps or inspires you in any way, then I’ll consider it a success.

Leave me claps, comments, a little smiley, I’m always open to hearing people’s views.

I’ll end this long introduction with my life motto ‘Stay curious!




Aventures et au delà

Avid curious. Part-time writer. Full time thinker. Passionate reader and podcast listener. My favorite subjects are : philosophy, psychology and neuroscience.